Liquid Diet... I can't do it
OMG. This is day two. I have 12 more days of this darn diet. I don't have the will power. I am sick of broth and SF jello and popsicles. I am sitting her tears pouring down my face, because I am weak!! My family is great. The support I am getting from them is wonderful, but they don't understand how hard it is to not eat anything solid. How did you guys do this? Really. Did anyone cheat at all? I haven't yet, but God help me.... I am so close. I am sitting at my computer while my family is out in the other room eating. I smell it. When will this get easier. I know I sound like a baby, but when food has always been my comfort, what do I need now? Comfort. How did you do it? Please share with me. I need to know that this is totally possible to do, and that it will get easier soon.
I didn't have to do the pre-op liquid diet but I did for the 3 days prior just to make the bowel prep easier. It didn't work. UGH.
You can do this! Are you allow full liquid or only clear liquid? If it's full liquid, I think pudding might count. You can do Carnation Instant breakfast or some of the other diet type shakes, like Slim Fast. You can make your own double milk. One cup milk, 1/3 C instant milk, SF Quick. Pretty tasty.
Some doctors use the liquid diet to shrink the liver so surgery is safer. You really need to be able to adhere to the diet. They also can tell if you don't based on your liver size. Others do it to be sure you can follow the plan afterwards. To me, that doesn't really make sense. Afterwards, you aren't very hungry and sometimes you have to force yourself to drink.
If you're having trouble when your family is eating, go take a walk! The exercise will be good for you and will get your mind on something else. Hang in there, the time will seems like it's crawling but your surgery day will be here before you know it! Stay on the board and we will try to help you anyway we can.
The first few days are the worse. Trust me,it will get easier. All Dr G's patients have gone through this. It isn't easy but you can do it. I too, found it necessary to not eat with my family. It was too hard to watch them, mush less smell the food.
DO NOT CHEAT!!! Dr G has been know to cancel the surgery if he thinks you cheated. He is very serious about 2 weeks of clear liquids and knows what he is doing. Losing the fat around your liver is only part of it. Giving up foods that used to be important to you is also part of it. You aren't going to be eating those foods for a long time & maybe never, if you're smart. Food is an important part of our lives but we have to learn to look at it differently. I still like to eat but it is strange how differently I feel about it.
Broth is nasty! Instead buy canned soup & strain out the solids. You will still have your clear liquid but it will have more flavor.
Good luck,
Hang in there Terri!
Im on my 12th day. One thing I have been doing is having something at all times to drink, and lots of variety. Keep your calories up. I drink white grape juice, and grape with peach when I felt like I couldnt take it any more. Lots of sugar free popcyles. Another thing I did was go to bed early. Iv been extra tired anyway. It DOES get easier I promise! Just take it day by day!
Good Luck!
Thanks to everyone who sent support my way. It is really, really hard to not cheat, and know that others have actually "done it", makes it totally possible for me to succeed. I am on day three now, and it is a little easier, but still the cravings are killing me. I started walking (thanks Lyn) and that really has been helping. And going to bed early (thanks Kathy). All your words of wisdom has been a blessing. I heard that getting to day four it really gets easier. Please tell me it is so!!! All prayers will be so very much appreciated. Love Terri
I feel for ya~I didn't have to do a liquid diet either.....But man, I try it now and it about kills me! I would listen to Dixie.....she's a pro, and always has great advice
I was in Charles City this weekend....and I wanted to email ya so bad to meet.....but my parents computer is JUNK! I will be there again this coming weekend.....let me know if you wanna meet......I would love to see ya before the surgery and I can bring ya lots of protein samples and stuff!!! Let me know! Take Care and wishing you the best on sticking with the liquid