Hi everyone!
Just a note to let you know that my daughter had her surgery in Grinnell with Dr. Coster Wednesday morning. She did so awesome that they let her come home on Friday after she ate lunch!!
She was such a good role model for me who's surgery is this Wednesday the 5th! I now know everything that will be happening to me if things go like they did for Sara! I am very comfortable with that!
I still have not told anyone at my school yet.
I have 3 teachers that I plan on telling and then I think I will send a letter to all of them the morning of my surgery telling them all. It's just so much easier not dealing with all the questions right now! I am looking forward to the 6 weeks I took off work. I am a huge hugger and all those little people at school come to me for their daily hugs so didn't think I probably needed that too soon!
I appreciate all the words of support and information I have received from all of you!
Be ready for a ton of questions when I get home!!!!

Protein shakes are the best of both worlds. They count as protein and fluids! The 45 minute wait is for more solid foods. The idea is to not drink anything immediately after eating because it will push the food out of your pouch and the first portion of the small bowel. You will feel full longer and allow the nutrients to be absorbed better if you don't drink immediately after eating.
Congratulations to both you and your daughter!!! That is going to be wonderful for you both to be able to share your experiences, and exercise together!!
I understand your wanting to wait to let everyone know, it is a personal thing, and your never sure of peoples reactions...the last thing you need is negativity right now.
Glad to hear your daughter did so wonderful
Sending best wishes and prayers to you and your family!!