Hi girls! I have been gone too long.....the boards seemed slow....and now I go away for a few days and there are all busy again.....I will try and catch up a little! We are just really busy with the girls in school, and hubby. I am again a girlscout leader
so we have been doing a lot with that. I had a couple sick kids, we went to the Dells for three days last week....I can't remember everything else
I am doing good....eating better and down a couple pounds
thank goodness!!! I still am not totally happy with my plastics......go in Monday and will discuss that with her!! I am enjoying this cool weather
I absolutely love fall, it is my fave time of the year
So looking forward to everything that comes with fall! My windows are open and I wake up chilly!!! I had to go shopping and buy new panties
all my other ones are falling off (swelling gone from plastics finally) and I hate the way all my jeans fit......they are really big and baggy around my waist but fit in my thighs.....that sucks!!! Other than that not much! We are staying home this weekend and gonna get some yardwork done and relax
I am so looking forward to it
Take Care and I will try and catch up with all the post later today!!! Miss eveyone

Hiya Jesi...I hear ya about being busy, its crazy isn't it! Getting ready to go to Iowa City for the weekend to hopefully see the HAWKEYES win a game lol. I too love this time of the year...excluding harvest as Iam a nervous wrec****il it is done! Gonna be stopping in Cedar Rapids today to see our oldest son, can't wait!!! Found out yesterday that my daughter made National Honor Society so it has been a good week lol.
Take care and enjoy your weekend,
Good to hear from you. I love fall too, just wi**** would go all the way through winter until spring. I'm not ready to actually be cold this year with less "natural" insulation. I don't even have a winter coat yet.
What are you unhappy about with your plastics? Hopefully you'll get some answers next week.
Have a busy weekend, swim class in the AM, watching my nephews in the PM and going to Oktoberfest in Amana on Sat. nite. Then Sunday our office is doing the Mercy Breast Cancer Walk at 8:00am. I am usually barely reading the paper by then. Wish me luck. I'm feeling good, increased my protein and getting to the Y 4 times a week. My weight loss has stalled, but hopefully I'll get some progess started in the next couple weeks.
Have a good weekend!
Jesi, you have been a busy girl! I don't know how you do it.
I had an interesting week. You know how I've said I've never had a problem with my WLS? Well, that may have changed. On Tuesday while driving to work I got this feeling like my clothes were getting very tight & my tummy started hurting. It went away within an hour or so but came back with a vengence soon after eating supper. It just got worse as the night progressed so I went home from work about 2 hours early & it's a good thing I did. I was in agony by the time I got home & it still got worse. If Al had been in the house instead of still in the barn milking, I'd have made him take me to the ER. I was so out of it, I never even thought about calling the oncall person. Finally I feel asleep wrapped around a heating pad.
The next morning I was sore but not in pain so didn't call the office but it started to come back again that afternoon so I called. The PA saw me yesterday & today I had an ultrasound to rule out gallstones & also blood work. No gallstones so the next step is to see the gastroenterologist for a possible scope. It is possible that I have a small ulcer near the astimosis. How frustrating & scary. However, if it is an ulcer it probably will be treated with medication & not the surgery I was afriad I'd need if I had gallstones. I do not want anyone to mess up my nice hard tummy! I'm hoping that it doesn't act up again soon as my appt with the gastro doctor isn't until the 10th. He's the same one I had for my colonoscopy so I guess if he scopes me he'll have seen me coming & going, right?
I am still recovering from the second phase of my plastics. This one was much harder to get over. My back is still really tight & sitting makes it sore. My thighs hurt still from the lipo but they are getting better. mY right thigh is kind of numb but that will go away with time. Next week I can finally start exercising but I'm not in any hurry this time unlike after the TT. I did start using my Gazelle but only for about 20 minutes at a time. I'll probably start doing chores again next week.
Jesi, I have the same problem with my pants. I have to buy them to fit the thighs. I carry all my excess weight in them & the calves and since there is all that extra skin, they don't fit into narrower pants. I'm also finding that most of my pants slip down in back. I'm constantly hitching them up as I resemble the sterotypical plumber, with the crack showing.
Like Janet, around our place fall is a very busy time with getting the crops out & the land ready for next year. On top of that Al will be leaving for Colorado to go elk hunting in a couple weeks. We are anxiously awaiting our new granddaughter in December (I'm buying out the store**** Toys R Us today) and are getting to know Matt's new girl friend. Now if I can find one for Doug.
Hello Jesi & everyone,
I havent been doing much just hanging out with my kids and my new boyfriend things are going good im planning on moving the cities next june.im still at my same weight i had to go get a complete physcal done they found a lump so i go back monday and get more test done.im glad to be back on i missed everyone. take care everyone
Hey Jesi
Everyone is so busy this weekend. Me... just sitting around. My husband is getting his tree stands up and ready for deer hunting season, my oldest daughter is out of town, and my youngest daughter is doing her own thing. With all this "free" time, I have so many thoughts going through my head. Worrying about the clear liquid diet that I start on Wednesday. About the surgery on the 19th. I am so very anxious. I could sure use some help. Any words of comfort. I am a born worrier. It comes natural for me. I always think the worst. I think this is a very bad day for me. Too much to think about. I took someone's advice and wrote letter to my family, just in case. Don't think that was a good idea!!! Anyway, they are safe in my dresser, hoping to leave them there for a very long time.
Anyway, I hope this all changes after the surgery. I wish I could be out doing something. But I just don't feel like it. And Fall is my all time favorite time of the year. I love to look at the leaves. We usually go to Wisc. for apples. Don't think we will make it this year. Bummer.
Take care and keep up the good work.
Hi Terri! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I have surgery this Wednesday so we will kind of be going through this at the same time!
Your feelings are very normal from what I hear but God will watch over you and keep you safe!!! So go into your surgery knowing that you are giving yourself a healthier life and much more time with your family and loved ones!!!!

Hi stranger
!!! LOL
I finally made it to the support meeting last month, had to put posties everywhere so I wouldn't forget!!! I think I lost my memory with my weight loss...not really I never had a memory!
Sounds like you are enjoying life to the max as you should be, and your right, everyone on here is doing the same, that is why it has been so quiet. But with cooler weather around the corner, I'm bettin' that changes.
I love fall too, but I'm not as anxious for it this year as we put in a pool, in late summer and really didn't get to use it as much as I would have liked. We hired a deck crew to build a deck all the way around it, they show up maybe if I'm lucky by noon, and never go past 5!! Ohh and they don't work weekends, even if they did miss 2 days that week and only actually work 1/2 days...can ya tell I'm frustrated with them!? Oh-well, what will be, will be.
We too have been working in the yard...lots to do, and probably won't be in the shape we want it in until next fall, but once we get there, I'll post pics!!!
LOL I had to buy new panties and pants, isn't it wonderful!...last time I bought jeans, I was in a 16, now I am in a 10!!!!!!!!! I have been wearing mostly capris all summer, I love them, and have them in many different styles and colors. I hate the transition from shorts to long pants.
Well kiddo we have missed you too, but very glad your life is so full!!!
Take Care, and I hope to see you soon, Guess I better get my posties back up for this months support meeting
I did get to visit a little with Andrea, which was very nice!!