More life changes!!
Hello everyone..was a lil bummed this morning so had to write ya...I am in the process of moving to a new town..starting a new part-time job and hopfully another 1 hubby of 10 years and I are seperating...not a surprise there,it's something I want and something that has needed done for years but..ya know,the hurt is still there,I got it buried plenty deep but I guess it must of surfaced for a min,...well I guess I could just use a few prayers that things start going a lil smoother for me
I could sure use it Thanks guys....Lori

A seperation can be very exhausting, so take care of yourself. Really pamper yourself for a while. It is understanding how you could be down. But each day gets a little better. Not that you won't still have some down days or mins. Its good that you have a job to help take care of some of your time. Plus that will help you get to know some new people around you. That always seems to be a help. You can count on prayers from your freinds here. Hope tomorrow is a brighter day for you and everything goes your way. Cindy G.
I know that seperation and (if it gets to this) divorce is a hard thing to do even when your the one that wants it....been there, done that! Just make sure it is really what you want, sometimes grass looks greener on the other side but really isn't. Sending prayers your way for a smooth transition.

Lori ~ I feel for you as I've just gone through this myself. I felt like I was one of the statistics -- you know lose all the weight and then kick out the old man. I'm here to tell you this can be a very positive time in your life if you let it. It's a long story, but I got rid of my s/o of 5 years (and we had an affair for many years before that) and it's been the best thing I've done since having my WLS surgery.
I came to realize how much I had "settled" for people and situations that weren't the best for me. It's going to hurt for a while, but hopefully you and him can both move on and start new lives. I actually had to get a restraining order, and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. But finally I've been able to start my new life, and have met a wonderful new man. Someone I've known my entire life (old family friends) and I never knew life could be so good. I finally feel like I'm with someone who deserves me, and not someone who I'm just "settling" with.
I hope you can find some peace and happiness also. Best of luck to you. Live for today for tomorrow is always another day... Feel free to e-mail if you want to talk some more.

Hiya GF!!! (((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) Its time you live for yourself...and seeing how excited you are about your new home and job gf your gonna be OK! Just remember you've seen the good, bad and UGLY for too long and now it is your turn to take care of you! On the selfish side here Iam so happy that you are gonna be living closer to me and even working with me YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Love ya sis,