I'm so comfortable today. It has been 5 weeks since my last plastic surgery & today is a Red Letter day. I get to go without the compression garment. In a way I'm kind of scared. It supported my bottom & now it pulls on the incision & is a bit sore. It's all healed but it's kind of sore anyway. It really pulls when I move around.
I can't wait to no longer have that nasty line on my legs where the garment ends & rolls up. It always shows when I'm wearing dress pants & that's what I wear to work. It's a Monday but this week, I can't wait to go to work! AmI crazy?
Now my next thing is to get to start exercising. I'm supposed to wait another week or so but, hmmm, I might start sooner. Now, I don't plan to start feeding calves early, no that would be against doctor's orders & I can't go against them. Didn't he say, 6 months instead of 6 weeks?
I'm sure your little tushy is looking just mahhhveelous!! Wish I had some of the sag out of mine ~~ however, I am reminded on a pretty regular basis about what a nice a... I have from a particular someone special in my life!!
Do you have your next surgery planned so that you can get out of the cow thing again for a while? I'd be thinking of the dead cold of winter when it's the absolute worst!!!!
Talk to you soon... we'll have to plan a lunch date in Waterloo!!!

Oh, Janie, I promised myself no more plastics but non-saggy boobies would be nice. Knowing Al, he'd want them made bigger, probably DDD or something top heavy. Just the dairy farmer in him, you know. I guess if I have any more surgery to get out of chores it will be the one the gynecologist wants me to have but since she says I shouldn't lift what I lift in the barn ever again, it would probably be a waste anyway.
I wouldn't mind being reminded about my bottom once in awhile. I still think my idea of trading in our husbands every 5 years or so just to keep them "fresh" would be a good idea. Having a new man in your life, you get all the fun! But then again, after 34 years, I've got Al broken in. I think I'll keep him, even if he doesn't give me the compliments you are getting. I'll just live my life precariously though you, OK?
Oh, to be young & in love, sigh...
Yes, let's get together.
I've only been at work for an hour & a half & it feels kind of of funny, kind of like I have a tight belt around my waist. I'm also having trouble keeping my pants up in back! I keep pulling my shirt down to cover it.
We have a floor to ceiling mirror in the ladies room & I checked myself out awhile ago. I think my upper thighs are swelling. Either that or my saddlebags are coming back. ACK! It still feels good not to be wearing it.
Thanks for asking.