I'm home,too!
First - thanks to Leslie and Dixie! Dixie brought beautiful flowers (and the nurses were talking about their gift also!) and Leslie sent a hilarious card - Mary was even laughing...
Long story short, yep, recovering from general twice, was not fun. Karen is amazing! I swear she was up, running down those halls!!
She's had a couple of C-sections, so maybe her belly is more forgiving.
I just have some general achiness and the only sight that bothers me at all is the drain - it's pulling something terrible, but hopefully well get that changed today. Between my mother and I, we should be able to change it and make it a little more comfortable.
OK, back to the drama. I was waking up in my room fairly well, when Dr G came in... I just knew that wasn't a good sign. I thought he had said the tissue had once connected from the umbilical cord to the liver, but my hubby said to the kidneys, and, well, he wasn't under so many drugs at that point, so he's probably right.
Regardless, Dr G, the super guy that he is, was attempting to not destroy a tattoo of mine, and somehow didn't remember to get the tissue out. He said that normally, the tisse is fairly tiny, but being fat, it also gets fat... so it's not so tiny anymore. It could dissolve, but I'm sure it could also turn septic also, so it needed to go. Now understand just how pissed off everyone is at this point, because I have to go under for the second time, for something that would literally take minutes to do.
All is well, and I remember laughing before I went back in, telling my husband that I thought he needs to consent for the surgery, because I was a little altered.
Angie says that he's still kicking himself, yada yada yada, but chances are, it never would have happened had he not been trying to save my tat. - Which I would have gladly given him permission to destroy! Only because this is way more important to me.
So, alive and doing great. I have the Roxicet figured out I think and it's not knocking me on my butt now. That was another big obstacle - or the nurses would wait too long and I'd get sick. My big accomplishment this morning was getting out of bed myself - without pain!
(And I hope any of this makes sense, cuz I'm still pretty drugged! And liking it!!!)

Glad you made it home Ok, Amy. It was fun meeting both you & Karen. And I'm glad everything turned out ok, even with that mishap. Now we know that Dr G is not perfect!
So the nurses told you about their gift? I figured that since I can't (or shouldn't) eat those beautiful muffins they could instead & since I've been hospitalized there 3 times since 12/03 it was time to thank them for their wonderful care. As I told them, I never had one complaint about the care I received at Sartori and was so thrilled by the patience & the concern they all showed. Last time one of the night nurses came in & sat down & we just chatted for about a half hour. She didn't need to do that but it was nice. They even went out of their way to give me things to include in my scrapbook, including a copy of all the reports from the time I got out of surgery until they pulled my IV.
Well, be sure to do everything you've been instructed to do. Take it very slow. I'm sure you're working on getting in all your liquids and protein. Don't get stressed if you can't get it all in right away. It's very hard but it will come eventually.