I have a date set!
Congratulations, Kathy. That's right around the corner.
Couple suggestions. Don't run out & buy a bunch of broth. You will get so sick of it. Instead buy chicken noodle (or rice or whatever) soup & strain out the solids. The flavor is much better than broth. Or better yet, make your own, if you like to do that, and freeze it in small containers. You can add whatever herbs you like as long as you strain it before eating.
The first couple days are the worse. After that, for some reason, most people are not as hungry. Be sure to drink lots. That will help to deaden the hunger and is good practice for later when you have to get in all that fluid.
A snow cone maker or ice shaver is very useful both before & after surgery. It's an excellent way to get your liquids in after surgery & help with the boredom before. You can buy them pretty cheap at Wal Mart & they carry sugar free snowcone syrup, although it is very sweet. I still water it down. I use the shaver to make slushes.
Be sure not to cheat & eat solids. He has been known to cancel surgery if he knows. Do call though if you feel weak or unusual. Angie or one of the others will help you. I know that they now allow tomatoe juice (I would have killed for that when I was on liquids) and I believe they recommend a certain protein drink presurgery.
Let out a yell if you have problems or need encouragement. I know that several gals here have gone through it recently & they remember what it was like. They also will have some good suggestions.
If you haven't already gotten the list of foods you can drink, you'll get it soon or call the dietician. I believe she is the one who usually gives it to you.
Thank you Dixie and Cindy!
Thanks for the info Dixie. Im going to look for an ice shaver. I would have never thought of that. Lynn at the Drs office said that she was going to send me a list of liquids. She also mentioned jello with protein. I have never heard of it. Im hoping I will be able to find it. I love tomato juice. That will help with hunger.
I will be sure NOT to cheat! I have waited sooo long for this chance at a new life, Im not going to mess it up!
Thanks for all your support!!!!! I dont know what I would do without this website and all the wonderful people here!
Congrats on your upcoming surgery! We will be having surgery on the same day although I will be in Grinnell. I wonder if you are feeling nervous and excited all at once? I totally am. To top it off I have had a touch of a cold which is freaking me out as I want to be totally healthy going in to surgery! I dont have to do liquids so no tips for you there but I wish you the best of luck. Take care of yourself and best of luck for a speedy recovery. -Nan
Nan C,
Thank you! Congrats to you too!!!! Im so glad to have someone to compare notes with. Yes, Im feeling the same feelings. Iv been having to explain myself a lot lately too. I get a lot of "I like you just the way you are" and "Have you really tried hard enough?" and lots of skepticism. I stand my ground!
My son has a cold and Im trying everything to not get it! I would hate to have to wait another week. I hope you get well soon!
You take care too! And I hope your recovery is a breeze!