Update on Amy
Hi everyone!! I called Amy this morning and she told me she was doing okay considering that she had to have TWO surgeries yesterday. After she got back to the recovery room, one of the nurses remembered that they forgot something inside of Amy (I think Amy said it was a piece of tissue or something). She said it would more than likely dissolve but they thought it was better to just go back in and take it out. I don't have any details and maybe I got it wrong...she was still pretty doped up and still not allowed to drink anything so she couldn't talk long. She said everything was fine though.
Also, I heard there was a death from Dr. G's office but don't know if it's just a rumor or have any details. Anybody know anything about this?
I stopped in and saw both Amy & Karen. They both looked great although the extra surgery probably took it's tole on Amy. She wasn't quite as peppy as Karen. They also both had been down for their leak test but didn't have the results at that time.
As far as the death, if it's the death I'm thinking of, it probably happened around the time of your surgery. However, we don't know much about it but from the last I heard, it was not related to WLS.
Here is a posting about it-
From Terri (who works at Sartori) -"I happen to work with the sister-in-law of the young woman from Waverly that died. She would like me to let everyone know that her death WAS NOT from overeating, and was most likely not even related to WLS. She said they have been told that she was septic from an unrepaired hernia. She worked in a nursing home, and lifted pt's all of the time, so it's hard to say what caused the hernia even. My co-worker thought that she had seen a dr. about it (NOT any of them at Sartori) and they had yet to get it taken care of. She wasn't sure why, and felt that it didn't really matter now anyway. She left behind 3 small children also."
The rumors at first said that her pouch had ruptured due to overeating. This has been shown that this is not the case.
Dixie, I'm glad to hear that you were able to go by and visit Amy and Karen and that they are doing fine. I went to lunch with Lisa (who had her surgery the same day as me) yesterday. We had a nice visit even though eating out is such a different experience than it used to be. After leaving the restaurant, I went shopping then met my husband and father in law for dinner at yet another restaurant. It sure made getting any liquid in a challenge..
I'm just happy that I'm not having any problem with food at this point even though I pretty much stick to just eating things I've tried already.
Thanks for the update on the patient who died and I'm really sorry that her family had to suffer such a loss.
Whether caused by the WLS or not, we all know that it's a possibility with any surgery.
take care, Leslie