Looking for a really good book...
I am looking for a really good gastric bypass book. I have read the weight loss surgery for dummies and I ordered Gastric Bypass Surgery Jo McGowan Chopra, Mary P. McGowan M.D. (Paperback, 2004) from half.com. I love reading the books if you have a favorite please let me know. I just try to get a recent copy so it has updated info. As always everyone here gives great support! Thank you
Let me start by saying I'm pre-op, so I don't know how accurate these are but I like "The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients" by Colleen Cook and "The Real Skinny on Weight Loss Surgery" by Julie Janeway, Karen Sparks, and Randal Baker. I ordered both from Amazon.com. But I honestly think the best I have read so far is the "WLS for Dummies".
I stumbled into the store here at Obesity Help & was very surprised at the variety of books they have. I think it's the largest assortment I have seen yet. You can find them at http://obesityhelpstore.com/
By the way, Weight Loss Surgery for Dummys was first on the list.
I am a big book reader so have bought & read some of these when I had my surgery. Here are my opinions. I have more than these but can't find them. Next big goal is to work on organizating my books.
"WLS - Understanding & Overcoming Morbid Obesity - OK" but not the best one I read
"Phat Finish: Weight Loss Surgery" - Don't waste your money. Nothing new & totally written by a layperson. Lots of opinions give as facts.
"I Wanted to Live" I didn't read this but read many reviews. It's about WLS gone bad & a womans horrible experiences & her reversal. It is very negative. I'm sure that there is a place for this book; if you've had a bad experience you may want to read it but it is scary. I wouldn't recommend it pre-op.
"The Patient's Guide to Weight Loss Surgery " This is good.
"Weight Loss Surgery: Finding The Thin Person Hiding Inside You! " This out in the 3rd edition now as it is very well written & popular. This became my Bible during my recovery. Unfortunately I loaned it out at one time & have no idea who has it. This is written by Barbara Thompson, who is one of the authors of the Dummies book I believe. By the way, if you ever get a chance to hear her talk, do it. She is very insprational. Her talks are free to the audience & the hospitals usually sponser them.
She has a website at http://www.wlscenter.com/ & I highly recommend it. She sends out a monthly newsletter. I bought a couple of her CDs & they were good too. Can you tell that I am a big fan?
"Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery "- This is a combination cook book & advice book by Susan Maria Leach who posts on the main board a lot. I think she also has a store. It's a good book but her affluent lifestyle sort of turned me off. Yes, I'd like to fly to London & stay in a 4 star hotel for several days to celebrate 100 lbs loss too, but satisfied myself by buying a charm for my braclett (cost $10). I guess, if you've got it, enjoy it.
"Making The Journey Together "- This one is fairly cheap & I don't have it but have talked to someone who bought it & was disappointed. It is mostly a compilation of advice from people here, much of it outdated. Lots of differing opinions & advice. She felt it was just confusing to have one persn to say, "do this" & another to tell her just the opposite and no expert to clarify things.
"Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery" - Not sure if this one is in the store but I bought it recently. It's a cookbook but what I like about it is it takes each recipe & give recommendations on how much & how you might need to change it depending on what type of surgery you had or what stage you are at. I don't use cookbooks often. I don't know why I buy them but this one sparked my interest. The recipe portions are not large but are suitable for the whole family and not difficult to make.
"Losing The Last 30 LBS. "- I just ordered this one. It's on backorder but I hope it will be worth the wait. Have no idea what to expect but maybe it will help me to finally get to my goal.
Check out the store & see what is out there. Don't know if you could get them cheaper at Amazon but once you have a title, it's not hard to check.
Hello Dixie!
Thank you for the detailed message about the books I will look everyone up and see if I can get them. I try to order my books on www.half.com they are really cheap there. It sounds like your a reader too. I feel more knowledgable when I read books about a subject. Thank you so much for your help.
I ordered it from here but it's on backorder.
This is the description-
"By Terry Simpson, M.D.
This book contains the fundamentals of weight loss to help lose those last pesky thirty pounds. While bariatric surgeons consider it a success when patients lose 65 per cent of their excess body weight, most patients goals are far greater. This book is a summary of Dr. Simpson discovered about weight loss surgery patients who made it to goal, losing all their excess body weight (reaching a BMI between 20 and 24) and maintained that goal for at least three years.The principles were tried on patients who had surgery years before, and even those *****gained weight, and found that patients from any surgery, who applied these principles, could get off those last 30 pounds."
I'm hoping it will help with my last 20.