I had my 1st appt with Mercy Capitol
Hello everyone I had my 1st appt. with the nurse, dietician and Dr. Smolik. A lot of information is running around in my head. They stress a lot of things ranging from having a support person which is going to be really hard for me because I am 3 1/2 hours away and I have a little 5 year old who needs to go to school. My mother in law is going to keep my son but I don't have anyone to go to des moines with me for 10 days. That is a lot to ask of someone. They will not do the surgery if you do not have a support person. I have support at home but I will have to get someone for des moines. They also stress (WEPN) water, excercise, protein, and NO snacking.
I am scared of changing my old habits with food. I am scared not being able to eat some foods I enjoy. I WANT to lose weight and feel good. I have to get passed all the mental aspects of losing food. I am scared about the complications but he said since i don't have many medical problems I am lower risk.
A question to the people who are really far out like 5 years and so on did you regain weight? If so is it hard to get it off? Do you still feel full quickly? I want to be sure this surgery is worth it.
Thanks for all the support!
I think it is only natural to question the surgery. It is a big step to take. I am only 9 mos. out and so I don't have the answers to the gaining back the weight. I can however tell you my experience with old habits is that the surgery is the easiest way to break the old food habits. You really don't feel hungry all the time. Food tastes different also or it does to me. It has to do with your mind set also. If you make up your mind that you can't ever eat sugar again, that is no big deal. Besides there is so much out there with splenda and substitute sugar that you don't miss it so much. The carbs though that is something else. Its not that you can't eat them its that you shouldn't eat them. So if you once in a while do eat something you shouldn't it isn't life threatening, just start over right away eatting proper. By the time you get all the water and protien and vitamins you have to take there isn't much room to make mistakes.
I'm not sure what the 10 days is about, do they say you will have to be in the hospital 10 days or just stay in the area since you live 3 1/2 hrs away?
That would have been impossible for me to find someone to do, so I understand your dilema. I wish you well in your journey and know that you will find your answers. Keep posting and someone will be here to help you. Good luck Cindy G
Hello and thank you for reponding. Since I am not local they want me to stay 10 days to see the surgeon then I have to go back 5 days later you have to see him again. So I will have to travel there again in 5 days after i leave from the 10 day stay.
I know I would get used to the new eating but right now it seems like a big lost. I really want to be healthy and I know this is the way for me. It is a coping thing
I just have to prepare myself mentally.

Well I'm not far out just 2 months but I feel great. I have lost 60 lbs and I love it. Dr. Smolik is my surgeon and he did a great job. I have very small scars that are getting lighter with each day. He did a wonderful job. I had no problems at all and still haven't. I had very very little pain. I was ready for a lot of pain and it wasn't bad at all. I know that everyone's experience is different but mine was great. Mercy makes you go thought a lot to get the surgery but it was all worth it. I love Dr. Smolik and at my 2 week appointment I had to bring my daughter who is 5 and he let her help him she loved it. He was great with her. I think he said he has 2 kids not sure boys or girls but he is really nice. The only one who can really decide if it is worth it is you. For me it was for some people it might not be the same but I'm happier then ever and have so much more energy. I still have not been hungry since surgery and I'm not even tempted with sweets. I have to remind my self to eat because most days I'm so busy I forget. This surgery was a blessing for me. I hope you find peace in your decision whatever it may be. Good luck in your journey and fill free to e-mail me if you have any questions about Mercy.

Hello Melissa
Thank you for all the positive feedback. I too like Dr. Smolik. I trust him. I feel much better today. I think the nurse really hyped me up and scared me. But I do feel better. For my support person I am going to have people come up in shifts. I cannot get one person to come for the whole time. I have 2 people so far and i need a third. They are going to stay 3 and 4 days each. It is the way it has to be. Thank you again for the positive thinking i need that right now.
I too feel that it is normal to have all the questions you have. This surgery gives us some tools to work with and it is up to us to use them.
It was fortunate for me that I used Mayo and they do not rush things; in fact, it is quite a process even to be approved by them. We did the LEARN program which covers lifestyle, exercise, recreation and nutrition. This is a 16 week program that you have to see a psychologist to complete. I guess I do not understand the 10 days of concentrated effort. I have to admit that seems like a lot to absorb in 10 days. But I am older and my brain takes longer to absorb. LOL Anyway, you are just normal with all the normal questions and jitters. I hope that you find some one in Des Moines to do this with you. I always want the best for my fellow journeyers on this path. You will do well with this. Also one last thing - with me it was have the surgery or die - I just pray every day that I don't make foolish choices and eat something that I shouldn't. So far I have made wise choices.
Hello Syb
I did not use Mayo because of the waiting factor. My son goes there for hi problems and I trust them 100%. I have been thinking a long time to do it and now I want to get everything done to start. Thank you so much for the "normal" jitters advice I really think I have them
I need to make wise choices in eating I know that is my problem. Thank you again!

I can't answer any of those questions for you yet. I know you've been there done that, but I'd check with Tricare one more time to see if someone is closer. Also I think that Tricare (you'll need to contact them), but if they refer you to someone over 150 miles (?) they will pay for lodging. I'm not certain about that.
I did call tricare about travel reimbursement and a guy from there has to call me back. I tried checking with tricare and they will not look any doctors up for you. I had to do that leg work. I don't mind traveling for the care the support person is hard to fill so far I have 2 people who can come for 3 days I need 1 more person I know they will not like that but it is what I can get. I tried Davenport, Cedar Rapids ect. if they are not on the tricare lists they will only cover a small percent leaving me with a huge out of pocket.
Melanie told me they had 4 who had tricare and they approved all of them but I am worried I am under 14 pounds for the 200% over weight and right now I don't have any of thier co-morbids. I have not had my sleep study yet.
THANKS for listening and replying

I know that my surgeon requires his out of town patients (those that live more than 1.5 hours away) to stay in the area for a wee****il after he sees you for your 1 week appointment. It's in case theres a problem.
Have you looked into somewhere closer or is this the only place your insurance will accept? I know that the facility in Davenport has an excellent program and they are much closer to you.
I know that Mercy Capital has an excellent program but the more posts I read, the more difficult they seem to make it for their patients. Having a support person, for example. Some people just don't have that available. When I had my surgery, my husband, who doesn't "do" hospitals well, stayed until I was settled into my room & comfortable. He went home & I didn't see him again until I was ready to go home. I didn't need him & I wasn't a drain on the nurses either. I figure if they think you need someone to stay with you all the time, what does that say for the nursing care? I'm sure they are very good there, don't get me wrong. Are they that busy that they need you to be cared for by a layperson?