update and new news!
Okay, sorry that I made you all wait so long, but you gotta wait a few more minutes. Let me tell you about my past week.
Last Wednesday, working out at the gym and doing a cycling class when my body said stop. That's okay, didn't want to do sprints on the bike anyway, so walked the track and then lifted weights a little. Then my tooth started killing me. Went to the dentist for an emergency visit Thursday morning and he said I needed a root canal. Couldn't get me scheduled with the endodontist until Friday at 9:30. Told me to take tylonol and ibuprofen that night as needed for pain. Yeah - I can't do ibuprofen and tylonol did NOT WORK!!! I was up all night basically and went in Friday morning in tears. The doc was good and very consiensous (SP?) about the baby. Didn't finish, however, because he said he wanted to finish the last part when I am in my second trimester. Went home and tried to sleep off the numbness, but couldn't sleep.
Then, Friday night, going to bed at 11:00 and started getting severe abdominal pains. The pains are up in my stomach, right under my boobs. This happened on August 31st also. What helps is when I make myself throw up and then the pain subsides for a couple of minutes before it hits again. After an hour and 15 minutes, my teenager called my mother to take me to the ER, (hubby was at work). Teen also called hubby and got him to go to the ER. After a shot of demerol and pain all night, the doc sent us home at 4:00 saying that I probably had adhesions from the bypass and my intestines were in spasms because of it. On clear liquid diet for the next day.
Saturday was uneventful - clear liquids most of the day, but late afternoon, had some crackers and a cheese stick and then a couple of bites of a hamburger (no bun). Everything was fine.
Sunday, clear liquids and protein drink in the morning with a few bites of Kashi after church. At about 12:30, a few crackers and a cheese stick. About 2:30, a few pieces of a simple cheese quesadilla. At 2:45, took a tylonol 3 because my tooth was hurting. 3:10, the pain started again. I was curled up in a ball on my knees on the floor. Then it would subside for a couple of minutes and hit again. I right away got us moving to the ER so I could get a shot for pain again. Hubby had to leave for work, so my mom and her good family friend came to the hospital, too. When I got there, I said that I wanted the ER doc to be in touch with my surgeon, ob/gyn AND I wanted a check on the baby to make sure it was under no stress at all.
Got a new drug called nubane put through an IV port in my arm and that made me lightheaded, but kicked the pain in the butt! I was only in pain for a couple of hours that afternoon and evening. Then went for an ultrasound with my mom and her friend. The tech was able to see the baby with just the external "mouse" (not able to do that at 350 pounds!) As I watched and heard the baby's heartbeat, I asked the tech what the chances of twins was. She said, "Well, now that you mention it hon................." My mom and I screamed and began to cry. Mom's friend, Petra, got goosebumps! The tech said that the second dark circle could be air or blood, but we determined that wasn't so when the little thing came into view and we heard and saw a second heartbeat!! So, yes, for those of you making guesses, I will now have something in common with Jesi - twins!!!WOWOWOWOWOW!! I'm still in shock!!! Help - I need a bigger house, another crib, etc...............
So, Monday, I saw a gastroentologist (???) and he said liquid diet again and that two of my numbers on labwork were off - those for liver and pancreas. He ordered an ultrasound of my internal organs to see if I had gallstones stuck in the bile duct. Had gallbladder removed almost 19 years ago. Had the test today and more bloodwork and so far, the test came back okay. Seems that no one knows what the pain is from. In the meantime, still on a full liquid diet. AHHHHHHHHHH do they not realize that I have two babies to feed and am HUNGRY??????????
So, in the midst of hard times and pain, I have been truly blessed again. What we thought was baby number 4 is now 4 and 5. Wow!!!
Please keep us in your prayers as we try to find out what is wrong with me. If it ends up to be adhesions, no clue if they can even do anything about it while pregnant. Any ideas, (donations, jello, etc.
) are welcomed!!!
Thanks for listening and celebrating and worrying with me!
God bless,
P.S. I see my surgeon Thursday morning to get his thoughts. I have been in touch with the nurse manager from the beginning of everthing.

*HI* ((((HUGS)))))) You poor thing......I tryed calling last night to see how the appt went.....I so feel for ya.....how long are they planning on keeping you on full liquids??? Yep....Dixie and Shelia guessed your great news.....but they didn't spill the beans
Now we have a milllion and TWO things in common!!! I got a toddler bed for Micah....we are long out of cribs
Good luck Thursday I hope your surgeon can give ya some insight! Is your work being okay about the time off for doctors appts and stuff? You will be in my prayers
Take Care and Talk to you soon

Hey Jes! Thanks for keeping the secret till I could get on here. I'm sooooooo exhausted that it's hard to get the gumption to do anything at home or here at work!! I'm hoping to get off the liquid diet soon - but who knows. Should have results from labwork today, I hope.
Now, it's kinda scary the things we have in common! I'll be lookin to you for advice on raising twins - you know it! We got a toddler bed for Micah, but I think he is ready for a twin bed. We have to get a mattress, already have a frame. Mark is thinking that Micah will be in Anna's room soon.
I have the sick days to take off and as long as I have documentation, there isn't much of a fight from my boss. Principal is pretty understanding.
Well, gotta run, but I'll talk to you tonight or tomorrow.
Hugs and blessings,
How thrilling! I am so happy for you & your family. Twins, wow! You know, in the past you & I have commented how similar our experiences with the WLS are ( plateaus, same date, etc)? Well, this is where I draw the line! You can have the babies (twins! I still have goosebumps!)
I will keep the three of you in my prayers. I hope they find out what is causing the pain & can find a fix for you really soon.
Yep - WOW is right - twins! Everytime I say "babies" I get that same "wow" feeling!!! So, I guess that this is where our similarities draw the line, right. Besides, you wouldn't want to stretch out that cute little tummy of yours, now would you?????
Gastroentologist blew me off yesterday because the ultrasound was okay. Saw my surgeon today and he has concerns. Right now, going to sit tight unless the pain happens again.
Thanks for the prayers!
God bless,