I get so lonely when the Iowa board slows down so much......Come on, where is everyone at??? Did anyone get any of the storms today/yesterday (depending on when you read this)??? It totally bypassed us and we didn't even get a sprinkle....and we need the rain here in Dubuque something terrible. But the great news is, I already feel the cooldown they are talking about on the news......I sit here and it is 9:10pm .....I have the windows open and it is chilly.... I LOVE IT!!!! Our air conditioning bill has been ridiculous.....the darn thing runs all day it seems.....Not anymore
Anyways...can you tell I am bored.....I feel like a stuffed mushroom today, too many bad carbs
I don't know why I do that to myself sometimes.......
Oh well tomorrow is another day.....wishing myself better self control
I was sad to see Andrea still hasn't posted.....I tried to call her tonight and her phone was busy.....I will get ahold of her tomorrow and tell her she has to get on here for an update. I do have to say that Dixie and Shelia are sneaky little :devils: good thinkers!!! Take Care everyone! Enjoy the cooldown! I will

Hi Jesi
How's school going? I wish school was over with all ready.
It rained while I was coming home from school. I am not supposed to drive when it rains, because my eyes go quite blurry. But made it home safe.
I'm in a Technical Writing class, and have to do a Project-oriented research paper. I'm excited about one of my topics that I have chosen. It's on Gastric Bypass Surgery and the Tummy tuck. Beginning, would be how you would try to loose the weight without surgery, then go into having the surgery, and the final step would be the Tummy tuck. I hope I can do this. Do you know of any good information sites for Tummy Tuck? Just curious.
I have to get a new picture on, I cut my hair SHORT! It's not so thick. Thank goodness. Will do it this weekend, while I hook my new computer up.
Take Care
Lisa Young
Hi Jesi..I hear ya on the bored,lol !!! I like the cooler weather but I am freezing
it didnt have to get cold so fast!! We got a lil rain yesterday but not for long,we need so much more!Hopefully I will have a new pic on here soon I so hate this one!!Has anyone else been getting a lot of older e-mails /or replys from here...I got a bunch yesterday all older ones from when I had surgery..I was happy to finally get them but they are old sooo thanks to everyone I didnt say that too I just got your post,lol!! Well type at ya later going to try and get some

Hi Jesi,
I guess I did guess right. I just had a feeling that was it. How wonderful for them!
I am back to work full-time now & have to say that the recovery for this surgery is taking much longer than the TT. I think it's the bending that is giviing me trouble. I really don't have pain, but last night by 9:30 I know I was in trouble. Jason, my coworker, is very aware when I am uncomfortable & he pointed out that I kept rubbing my back & that's when I noticed how swollen & sore I really was. About 10:30 I went to the fitness room to find some place I could sit reclining somewhat. Who knew those torture machine could be used that way? After about 15 minutes or so I went back to work but only stayed another half hour before giving up & going home. My garment is driving me crazy. The long legs keep rolling up & I end up with angry purple rings around the thighs. The lipo site is looking good. The bruises are fading so I'm going to see if he will alow me to wear the garment I wore after my TT. It's more like a panty girlde than a long leg one. It will still give me the compression around the back.
The wind & rain hit us just as I was thinking of going to work. Wanted to stop at WalMart first but I wasn't crazy enough to go out in that so climbed into bed for a while. We have a few small branches down but nothing serious. Nothing like the night before. When I came home from work there was a huge limb blocking the driveway. I was able to drive around it but there had been no wind at all so we figure it was hollow & the weight of it just broke it off. Glad that didn't land on my house & also glad it broke when it did because if it had gone down in that wind yesterday, it might have hit the house.
YOu have a good week. Hows school, by the way?
Hey Jesi! How are you? I've had a crazy week. My uncle passed away so I spent yesterday and today in my hometown (Hopkinton) going to the wake and funeral. He had been pretty sick, I think he was ready to go. It was nice to see all my relatives again and catch up, even if it was a sad occasion.
I feel like I can eat way too much now, did you feel like that at about 100 lbs lost? I sometimes feel lightheaded too when I stand up, what could that be about? I just feel kind of blah because I got out of my routine by going to my parents, hopefully I can get my stuff together and get back on track this weekend.
thanks for the recipe...everyone at work loved it! I loved the almond flavor.
take care!
I've had a crazy week also. Had dog obedience Monday night. Tuesday I felt awful from allergies and cancelled bell choir. Wed I drove to Sioux City and back to attend my aunt's funeral. My sister was there, whom I haven't seen since last summer. She just stood there and stared at me. I finally told her to knock it off! Thursday was dog class and last night I crashed and burned.
Today I have to work on the basement. UGH. Lots of boxes of clothes to go to Goodwill. I have to face facts. I am never going to be organized enough to have a garage sale and I need basement space. Have to go thru the excess kitchen stuff for my son's girlfriend. She just moved into her own place and needs things. Another way to empty the basement.
Tonight there is a block party and tomorrow church and laundry. Seems like it never stops. Next weekend I'm going to a doggy fun day in Ames and Sunday up to the Lakes to see my niece and her hubby, great nieces, sister, nephew, son, girlfriend, her girls and my mom. Long drive for only a day.
Makes me tired just thinking about it.
But maybe I'll win Powerball tonight and can stop working.