Obesity Help comes to Chicago October 1, 2005
Hi Everyone in Iowa,
My name is Linda Cohodes, I am EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going to have a great time in Chicago and hope you will come and join us. If you haven't registered yet, nows the time. We have prepared a table of wonderful speakers, that are ready to educate and teach us!!! Check out the Chicago Event at ObesityHelp.com. Don't sit on the fence, just come, you'll never forget it, and you will meet people from all over the country. Take Care, Can't wait to meet you...Always Linda

Hi Everyone,
I am so sorry, Annette in Michigan brought it to my attention that I had used an angry face. That isn't what I meant, I meant to use the hot topic thingy. what a silly mistake. Anyways, I am so excited in Chicago and hope that I haven't offended anyone, I can't wait to meet all of you. Come to Chicago, its gonna be Great!!!!
Hugs to All