Monday morning Roll Call
Good morning Iowa folk! Hope everyone had a good weekend and an even better week ahead. Looks like we are finally gonna get a cool down Wednesday......I so do NOT like heat!!! What is everyone up to? I am doing fine! Andrea is off of work today......but has some VERY exciting news
So hopefully she will jump on here tomorrow and let everyone know.....she said I could tell......but I think she should
The weekend was pretty peaceful.....tho it came to an end to soon!!! Anyone got any good plans this week? Hows work Dixie....everything healing up good?? And how are you doing Janelle?? Colleen I NEED a carwash, but like yesterday.....and I am going to be in the dells the weekend your having your car wash, for my moms 50th!!!
Everyone join in and give us an update or just say *HI*
Things I am going to work on this week
More protein less carbs
MINIMUM 64oz of water (not doing so well with my drinking)
Exercise at LEAST three times
Well thats it for me! Take Care and have a great week ((((((HUGS))))))

Hi Jesi..How goes it? Kinda rainy in our part of Iowa today,was just wondering if I could get a walk in without getting soaked
guess I wont melt,but my walking partner,my son's dog charlie is just getting over an ear infection soo...things are going good here I havent (dumped) on anything and dont care to either know I prolly wont avoid it forever ! I do need to get more fluids in..I barely get in 64 oz's and that isnt enough for me!!I am thinking seriously of going back to school so I have a meeting tomorow to see what all I can maybe get into this late in the year!! So wish me luck!! Well take care..think i will chance the rain,lol have a good one Lori

Good morning
Well, I have money coming back from my school loans, and I'm getting a new computer this weekend. I can't wait until Friday. I am having problems with school right now. In Technical Writing, we're supposed to do reports on any of our ideas, so I said, I was going to do mine on the gastric bypass and tummy tuck, well, she finally says that project-oriented reports (ex. How to train for Ragbrai) would be better. So, I'm stuck. I hate these Internet classes.
I'm doing better, but I know I need to remember to take my vitamins, but doing better. And I need to remember to eat. Just never hungry.
Goals this week:
1) get organized, so I can bring my computer straight to my place
2) walk more
3) Go to the Y
4) Get my bicycle out and wa**** and start riding
Well, time to go and get a maidrite.
Take Care
Have a great week!
Love ya
Lisa Young
Hi Everyone!
For some reason I feel depressed this morning. Not sure why. Everything is moving right along as far as getting all the tests done before I have surgery. Tomorrow night I have to go back and have a CPAP machine fitted. After that, as far as I know, I will have the date set! Im getting excited and nervous at the same time.
I did stop taking my meds for depression about 2 months ago and have been ok with it until now. Im thinking I will go back on it until after surgery.
This week Im going to try to walk every evening, even if its only for 20 mins or so and watch what I eat. Iv been getting a little out of control.
I hope everyone has a happy Monday!
Had a good weekend but once again it was over to soon. My Daughter was home from India and it was so good to see her.Plus I got to see 2 of my grandsons this weekend.
I am still having trouble eating. Nothing and I mean nothing tastes good. I am doing 2 protien shakes a day to get all my protein in but I really want to eat again. I really used to enjoy eatting. Now it has become a very anxious thing to do.
So my goals for the week are to try each meal to eat something, not just drink, and to learn how to handle my anxiety. Am already taking meds so I must need to learn some coping methods.
Hope everyone has a great week. Cindy G.
Hello everyone!!
The freakin' stitch finally broke!!!
I haven't been on here much lately because I didn't want to keep whining about my pain. Well yesterday in the middle of some ...uh painful straining on the toilet (dang iron supplements!) I felt a really big pop ( I think I actually heard it too
). I just sat there thinking that either I was going to die from internal bleeding or I was finally going to get some relief. I tried moving and wow!! no more deep burning pain. FINALLY!!! I had just gone to Sartori and had a CT scan which of course came back negative and Angie gave me a new pain killer which did nothing to help. I was just so happy to get my life back. I went swimming yesterday and then we went to the movies last night. Now I can concentrate on getting some exercise. I've have no problem getting in all of my protein with just food but I'm still working on getting in all the liquid. Also taking all my vitamins and supplements. My plans for the coming week.... catching up on all the housework and paperwork I've neglected for the last month and then get back to catching up on my schoolwork (luckily it's home study). I've lost 39 lbs and 18 inches and I"ve had no problem with eating but then I'm pretty careful about what I eat.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!

Hi Jesi & everyone else,
I am doing just fine. Worked part time last week & that worked ok so I'm going to full time today. I see my surgeon again on Wednesday & hope he allows me to remove the compression garment at least to sleep. I am getting very tired of that torture machine. Actually, it's really not that bad but it does tend to roll up on my legs & it looks funny through my pants.
An odd thing happened over the weekend. Apparently someone came into the house & stretched out most of my pants! They are all very baggy in the tummy & butt! And that same person managed to stretch out my too small pants so I can now fit them. Now, if he'd only return & stretch out the thighs in my too tight jeans...... Oh, well. I guess this means that my two surgeries have worked & the swelling is down. It is now more noticable to me. I went shopping for a pair of pants yesterday & every size 12 fit! I still get frustrated because everything I try on seems to be low rise & when you have the "world's longest BU_ _ crack," that just doesn't work.
Oh, and that dirty little rat also played with my scales! However, he wasn't very nice. They now all weigh 3 lbs HEAVIER!!!!! How did that happen? I was good, really I was.
So, my goals for this week are to nicely convince Dr Bastug to let me sleep like a normal person. Also, lose that 3 lbs again, although without being able to exercise for another 3 weeks, I don't know how that will happen. I'm actually getting in enough water but will work to drink more, maybe even cut back on diet pop, (oh, horrors!)
I'm dying to hear Andrea's news. She isn't going to have something in common with you, is she, Jesi?
OK, really, my goal is to post more!
I read everything, I just don't get around to posting much.
I'm on day... what? 7 of clear liquids. So far, so good - I'm down 10 lb from last week, which means -20 from my initial appt with Angie. Wooo hoooo
I realized last night that my BMI is out of the 40s - for good!
I'd be just thrilled if I lost another 10 this week, but I'm ok with however it works out.
I have my appt with Dr G on Friday and then surgery a week from tomorrow - so I guess just surviving and getting my knee recovered (oh yeah, dislocated that...) before then are my only goals.
Have a great week everyone.

Hi all,
Things are status quo here. Had a scope a couple weeks ago, have a shallow ulcer in the roux limb. I was glad that it wasn't in the pouch. Have seen great improvement with the meds.
Fluids and protein intake still come easy to me, but still have days where I don't want food, and days where I want to eat the furniture! Those days I panic about 'all the food' I've eaten, then realize it is just a fraction of what it could have been. And, other than those #$%^ crackers, (that some moron just keeps buying.....) when I do 'eat the furniture', 95% of the time it is 'legal' food.
Have spoken to my pcp about finding someone to talk to, ie therapist etc, about some other issues.
The weight loss is slowing, but still dropping. I am, for the most part, happy with my progress. I know it would be better if my exercising was a little more consistent.
3 main goals : less lurking/more posting, up the frequency of exercise and NO CRACKERS!!!!!!
Dixie.......Andrea having something in common with Jesi was my first thought too. Would't that be cool!!!
Hope everyone has a positive week.