Mercy Capitol Peeps!
The price is going up when......? I know, I think that it is totally ridiculous that we have to purchase this program also. But if it benefits me and WLS then I will purchase it. But I can't see the price getting higher. What about those on Title 19, I am. I can't afford it at the moment, so my surgery is postponed until I get the funds to purchase it. Luckily, I will have the money next week and I am going to get it, but for those that are less fortunate, there should be a payment plan. I hope like H-E-Double Hockey Sticks that this program is benificial, or I am going to ask for my money back.
People don't have money to waste, and is it really necessary to use a computer program at that.
Something to think about.....Mercy is all about money, and if it is a MEDICAL NECESSITY than it should be covered by insurance....hummmmm something to think about....right.

Library my A$$.....So people can know all your business, because I am sure that you have to program it into the computer. I don't mind telling people that I am having surgery, but I want to tell them and not for them to find out by this program. And plus, the library will get you and possibly ban U for programming things onto their puters.
I am going to see if it can be charged to my hospital bill and let the insurance pick it up. If it is a MEDICAL NECESSITY then insurance should cover it. This is a hospital and I am sure they know how to add this in the
hidden charges. This can be one of the hidden.....
or they can do it the right way and give it to us as part of the surgery and add it to the surgery cost.
Just a suggestion, but I am sure going to ask Melanie and
Susan at Mercy Capitol about this and the price hike

I totally agree. Mercy Capitol does seem to be a money hungry program. My sister is having it done there on the 19th. I had mine in Grinnell and didnt need to pay out for this and that that you guys have to pay up front for. The dietician and all that was billed in my hospital charges. I know they seem to have a good program but I couldnt believe it when she told me about the computer program. That's ridiculous. The dietician and your dr's should be assessible at all times ( I know mine are) at no charge. Why do you need the computer crap?
I also went to Grinnell, and had Dr. Eibes. What is this computer program? We never had a computer program. But Dr. Eibes has moved to Des Moines and has opened up his office at the Lakeside Medical plaza in West Des Moines. He told us at the support group meeting in April, that he would be doing his surgeries at Iowa Methodist. The office is called Des Moines Bariatrics, and the phone number is 515-222-9727.
Just thought I would add my 2 cents.
Take Care
Lisa Young