Thursday Roll Call
I sure miss Andrea......I am always so late in posting this
She is way busy at school.....hopefully things calm down for her soon! So far a good week.......kinda flying by with Monday being a holiday! I was having some bad carb days weekend/early week.......kicked my own bum and doing better! Had fun Saturday morning......had some WLS friends over......just visited and had a good time.....was so nice meeting these folks FINALLY~we all live so close.....we hope to do it more often! Met Nancy, and her son Jake.....Lizzard girl....Angel.....and another local gal here that I met through Genesis support group. Then Saturday night me and hubby had a babysitter and went to a friends house for a BBQ/party......was hung over
thru Tuesday
Hence my bad eating choices......Man I feel like that Toby Keith song.....I am not as good as I once once.....a few drinks and the hangover was horrendous!!! Good thing I only drink like twice a year max.....maybe even less now!!!! This weekend is hubbys compnay picnic......its a good time.....Other than that.....same ole stuff here!
How is everyone else?? Hope all is well! Take Care

Been a busy week here too. Currently getting quite a my plans for mowing are out the window...for the third day in a row. sigh...big plans for today is taking my moms feather pillows up to the VFW for a cleaning. Yeah, I know....I have such an exciting life...
Just going to get things organized around here for when i start the new job on monday.
I best get going...have a good Thursday!
Billie Jo
It's been busy here, too. I forgot to take a test for one of my classes that if you don't take the test at the time, you can never get back into it. Well, I talked to the teacher and she said everybody was off a week, so I got lucky. Out of 20 questions, I only missed 1. This is in my PowerPoint class. (Internet class).
Still fighting to get my Medicaid and my Disability back. I hear things are changing next year. So I'm hoping I have everything by Christmas.
Well, need to get to my studies.
Take Care
Love ya all, like a family
Lisa Young
Busy here as well, I've started upping my workouts, I walk 2 miles in the morning and then do a 45 minute Taebo class every other day. I'm hoping to bust this terrible plateau. I finally got off the chocolate kick that I was on. The scale started creeping up and I said that's it. A lot to do with the stress of kids going back to school and all the mandatory overtime at work. I never see my hubby or my kids other than on the way to school and home again. Hey question in the big scheme of things when counting calories etc, do we subtract what we've burned in exercising from that total and if so how many calories would a person burn doing taebo? Thanks I'm using to help keep track but it really does not do the calculating very well with burned calories. Have a great rest of week everyone. God Bless
Hey, Jes - I'm here, I'm here! Barely! I have been having tooth issues and been extra exhausted - sans baby on the way. I came in to school this morning and called the dentist. Went to see him at 10:30 and he want me to go to oral surgeon tomorrow for probable root canal. Anyway, back at school now and not in too much pain, but not looking forward to tonight. Seems whenever my tooth gets cold, it hurts SOOOOOOOOOOOO badly!!! Have a call in to the OB/GYN to see if I can even have a root canal. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Hey, should we start doing a Monday roll call again? I miss it too. It looks like these boards have been a little slow.
Well, talk to you soon.
God bless and hugs,
Things are going great in my world. I'm currently at 142 (-3 below my goal and -7 below drs.) I've found out that you can stretch out your stomach, but if you can get back into the very "small" eating habit it goes back again. I get full very fast again and actually have trouble eating nearly enough some days. I am still working out most every morning (this morning it was 40 min on the eliptical and 5 miles on the recumbant bike).
I "have" to go shopping this weekend as everything is too big again. Will be concentrating on bottoms 8 and 10's since I'm having breast reduction surgery in 2 weeks not sure where I'll end up there.
Also have a new man in my life -- what wonders love can do for you!!!
Hope you are all doing well -- Take care!

It wasn't what I ate, it was what I didn't eat. I was feeling so much stress (to the point my chest was hurting) I basically quit eating. I was okay with something like yogurt, but anything heavy just made me feel more stressed. It also varies by day. This morning I actually ate a donut. For lunch I'll probably have a yogurt. Not sure about supper - depends on if I'm hungry. Am planning on going to a movie tonite and may have some popcorn.
I'm beginning to think I know how people who are anorexic feel. I like this feeling of being thin way more than I like food right now. My new b/f thinks I'm tiny!!! Imagine that -- me tiny!!! My 10.5 y/o son can pick me up!!! I feel better than I ever imagined I could and I think that is what is keeping me from wanting any food......

Today has been one of those days. I didn't sleep very well last night. Then this morning I had to go to Mercy and do pre-op appointments. The nurse told me about my appointment right after she told me my date. Obviously not a wise move. I forgot I had to fast for labs this morning. I was soooooo mad at myself. So No I have my labs on Saturday morning. The other pre-op classes went good. Nervous, but ready. I still dont' see why they want me to pay $150 for a computer program......seems a little steep to me. But do have good news! I was a little over the weight I initially weighed in at, and on my scale this morning I was 2 over....but on there scale, I was right on! I was worrying about nothing. Then I had my appointment for my ekg and chest x-ray at my pcm. A BIG storm came through, when I got to the clinic the lights were off. UGH the only day I can get off work. So they sent me to Merle Hay clinic. A long day.
Hi Tracie I too have tricare and are going to Mercy Capitol. Did tricare approve you right away? Is there anything I absouletly need to have in order to get approved? Does Mercy accept tricare and will write off what they don't pay? I see Dr. Smolik next wed and I am so excited. I have tricare prime remote they pay 100% if you get thier approval.