Gainfully Employed!
I am so excited! After being unemployed since the end of December I now finally have a job! I went for an interview today and was offered the job on the spot. I was so excited. Its not a job I really wanted--but its a job! I dont have to stay there forever...but it seems interesting enough to keep me occupied for a
My mom works there too so we can ride back and forth and save on that is a plus!
Now I can get my car fixed, buy my son a b-day present, pay my mom my rent (I rent from them), get some much needed things for the house and clothes for the boys.
I will change insurance though. I now have Iowa Medicaid (unless I can get approved and a date before my 90 days is up) and I will be going to BC/BS of MN. Very good insurance. I am not sure how it all will work yet...but we will hope they cover the surgery....if not...i will have quite a fight on my hands!
billie jo