5 more days till surgery
5 more days until surgery!
I went in today to have my blood drawn and tomorrow I will have my pre-surgery phyiscal. I am getting really nervous!! I need to get myself together I don't want my kids to start to worry.
Can someone give me some advise on what to pack my mind is like scrambled eggs right now. Also, any suggestion on things to have on hand at home that were useful. I have blender, small spoons, protein drinks, vitamins. Please help me.
Thanks a bunch

It is freaky isn't it.....it is totally normal to be nervous!!!!
You won't need a whole lot at the hospital.....I would reccomend chap stick...that really helps when your mouth is super dry.....I also took my own pillow just for some comfort
You really won't need a whole lot....make sure to take some slippers....as you should be up and walking the halls
I took my own robe, but never used it......it was easier to use there gowns and wear one backwards to cover your bum. One thing I would ask is if you can get a fan in your room.....they are always so darn hot.....especially when your not feeling well......They had mine waiting in my room for me!!!! Stuff at home, well that depends on your aftercare program......probably a box or two of s/f f/f jello, pudding...and some broth. Thats about all we could have at first....and you will be eating such little bits.....don't get too much......I still have half a dozen boxes of s/f jello......we went overboard and my surgery was almost two years ago
Best of luck....Take Care and the time will fly with the weekend here.......just get plenty of fluids before hand......Wishing you the best

Hey Jenny
I've been thinking about you.
I took a book to read and a puzzle book. To get my mind off of the pain. (I had a little pain, not bad).
And afterwards, Mom made me pick out some baby food, since one of my nieces was on baby food, that was horrible though.
I kept a journal, and tried to write in it everyday. And since, Mom and Dad had satellite, they ordered some movies. That was fun.
I sure hope things go well for you. I'll be praying for you.
Take Care
Lisa Young