What up chicas?
Hey all!
I haven't posted in too long!! Just wanted to give you all an update. I'm down to 176 and 5 months out. I still think I overeat at times because I get really nauseous (sp) after eating. Maybe I eat too fast...who knows? My hair is falling out something fierce. My doc said that this is normal and it's because my body's under stress. It should slow down sometime. I had to double, yes DOUBLE, my anti-depressants. I've just been really down lately and it doesn't help that my husband was laid off from McLeod last week! He's Mr. Mom now.
It's so nice to see all of you posting and updating on your new surgeries. Dixie, I read about your plastics on the other Yahoo! group. Excited to see pics! I also saw you had a new pic on this site...looking mahvelous!!
Leslie, I feel your pain and I'm thinking of you! It DOES get better. Colleen - how the heck are ya my dear? And Jesi, I see you still frequent with your encouraging words of wisdom...saw your plastic pics and I'm scared to death!!! I just don't know if I can handle the scars afterwards!!! You all look and sound like you're doing wonderful! Congrats!
I, on the other hand, need to get some crap together!! Haven't been working out.
need to push my protein and fluids. Started drinking coffee in the mornings...haven't quit smoking. Man, I'm failing!!! I have my 6 month check up on October 6th. Angie will surely let me have it if I haven't quit smoking by then. I think my weight loss has slowed dramatically but there's no doubt - when you don't do what you're supposed to, you do hit a major plateau! I need some motivation. Help!!!
Big hugs to all,
263/176/140 Dr's goal for me

Down to 176 that's great. Just take one day at a time. Life is too full of unknowns to be so hard on yourself. Just live each day the best you can and if you slip just try again the next day. No matter what people say having surgery was not the EASY WAY out. You have to plan ahead and work your you know what off just as hard if not harder to get any results. Hang in there!!

Hey, Jen! How are you??? Glad to hear that you got things worked out with meds - I know that makes a lot of difference in the lives of many people.
I know that sometimes when I overeat, I get nauseous, too - (although I have other reasons to be nauseous now and am often). Try to take your time to eat and concentrate on chewing again like you used to. Also, sounds like you need to give up those butts and kick yourself in gear and start walking.
You have done wonderfully so far. Pick yourself up from the bootstraps and keep doing what you KNOW works. We all falter sometimes. Forgive yourself and start over. You will continue to lose and be successful in this journey!
Hope this helps to motivate and encourage!
God bless,
Well how the heck are you missy??? I have missed you!!! Back in school I see! Why are you more nasuous now, may I ask? Is everything ok? I do need to kick it into gear! I enjoyed working out when I was doing it. I can't remember the last time I weighed 176. I should look at this as such a huge accomplishment but I feel I can do better. Thank you SO much for motivating me and fill me in on how things are going with you girlie!!!
Hey, yep - back in school. We started back August 5th. I was pretty ticked that my summer was cut short because our school went to a balanced calendar. The good thing is that I have a break the last week of October and the first week of November. Then Christmas break and two weeks in the spring. The bad thing is that school goes through the second week in June - oh well, I won't be here then - plans are to be home with a new baby by then. OH YEAH - I'M PREGNANT!!! Does that explain the nausea? I'm only a few weeks along (5 or 6) and due May 1st. YEAHHHHHH!!! I'm excited!
Now, back to you - feel good about what you have done and know that you ARE a success!
Hang in there and God bless,
Great job Jen! That is a tremendous accomplishment. Isn't it fun now that everyone is noticing? I've lost 105 lbs since the liquid diet, 85 lbs since the surgery. A couple of male patients asked me if I changed my hair last week, I wanted to say, "No, I changed my a@#, can't you tell!!" My hair is still falling out but it seems to be less and less. I have a hard time remembering to take vitamins 4 times a day, but I'm sure that would help.
Sorry your husband got laid off. Let me know what type of work he's looking for and I'll ask around. Sounds like he's going to get a big "Honey-do" list!
I've been bad this week. My parents made homemade ice cream and I had more than I should. Just now I had part of cereal bar and feel nauseous. I always want to go isolate myself when i start feeling that way, is that normal?
Here are some words I never thought I would ever utter. I like exercise. I SAID, I LIKE EXERCISE! WHO AM I? Jen, I never, ever exercised regularly before and I never believed people when they said it made you feel better. I thought, all it does is make you hot, stinky and sweaty, gross! Lifting weights makes me feel powerful and doing the elliptical does my butt a world of good. I say start small, find something that you enjoy or something uncoventional. A dance tape, excercise ball video, biking, resistance bands, kickboxing. Do you want to be my guest at the Y? I can have you as my guest 3 times a year. I'm going to a ball class on Saturday at 8:00 am or we could do water aerobics or you could come try out the weight room.
When I am exercising regularly I have less desire to eat bad foods because I don't want my effort to be wasted. I've fallen off the wagon, believe me, and I can really feel the difference. I know you can do it...you ARE NOT failing. You are a strong woman to have come this far!
What are you doing this weekend, I want to see the new you! I mean it. CALL ME! I'll be at work tomorrow from 7:30-3:00 and probably home after 5:00pm. Take care woman!
Your surgery buddy,
Slim Shady
Hey Slim! So glad that you responded! I forwarded your email with your digits to my work address so I'll call you today. I was out for half of yesterday - felt really gross. Sometimes I get diarhea and I have NO idea why. Yesterday was one of those days. I also didn't go to bed until after 11 and woke up at 4:30...what is wrong with me?!?! I'm a sleeper and getting up that early is not in my cards. I think I'm adjusting to the new meds dosing.
We can get together this weekend. I don't have anything going on. I gotta run now because I'm gonna be late as heck for work. I'll call you and post more later
big hugs,

So glad to see you back and posting
Great job thus far
Sorry to hear about hubby losing his job.....Tough market right now! Hair loss is so normal, some lose a little some A LOT! It is hard to tell who gets lucky and unlucky. Hey don't feel bad about he antidepressants....I went off of mine after surgery, and did okay for maybe 3 months....then right back on em! Now I am also back seeing a shrink
I thought at almost two years out.....I would be happy and carefree......
Surgery makes the tummy smaller....thats it!!! We are so hard on ourselves......I can hear it in your post....your only listing the bad things....think of all the good things you've done in this short time......Okay....so right now it sucks....your eating wrong and smoking and not exercising.....maybe work on one of the things to start with....I would start with the eating and drinking right.......since that is a biggie.....I know when I eat like poop for a couple days......I get super depressed, let down in myself.....plus the carb coma alone, plus then I am SUPER hungry and wanting to eat anything not nailed down........ I totally hear ya on that one......but if you do eat right, YOU WILL FEEL BETTER
Then maybe throw in a walk or two......I am NOT a smoker (past) but I wouldn't be so quick to give up those just yet.....you have A LOT going on right now.....and you need to start eating better first and dealing with everything going on in the household......I don't hink you need the added stress factor of quitting......besides.....you say your losing a lot of hair.....you don't want to be pulling it out on top of that
Everything will come in time.....Just take care of yourself and try not to be so down
We are here for ya to vent and give ideas......Take Care and stop in here more.....