Leslie...how are you doing?
Hi Colleen, unfortunately the pain is not gone yet. I think I'm getting better at living with it, meaning that I'm forcing myself to just deal with it while I try to do things around the house. I still haven't been leaving the house much because sitting straight up for more than 5 minutes is just too painful. It seems like the pain is less in the mornings and gets worse as the day goes on. The incision above where the pain is isn't all pulled in like it was so maybe that's a sign the the stitches are dissolving. I can only hope. As for finding things to do to occupy my time....hmmm, let's see, I've polished my nails a few times and plucked my eyebrows
and since I feel the best first thing in the morning before getting out of bed... well..
I'll just leave it at that. No pain whatsoever...
A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do to feel normal.
I feel lucky that the eating thing has been easy so far. I've been able to tolerate chili, hamburger, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs etc. with no problem at all. I'm having no problem getting in all of my protein but still working on getting enough liquids. I'll get there soon. I'm in that 3-4 week out stall right now but not worried about it.
Hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend!

Hey there! Oh I just read your post on 8/30 and feel absolutely horrible that I haven't been on.
I too had the "deep stitch pain". It so sucked. It hurt so much, I didn't go back to wor****il 4 weeks out and that was only part time. It hurt to move. Angie and Dr. G said that it was my stiches pulling inside and I couldn't do anything. I did a lot of the heating pad but had to put something between me and it because it was really sensitive.
Getting in all of my protein and fluids is a constant battle. I'm only 5 months out and I've lost 85 pounds but I don't exercise or drink all of my fluids. In fact, I just started drinking coffee again which has put me back even more. It's frustrating. I also still haven't quit smoking again. That bothers me just as much. I need to get a new pic up as I look way different now.
Col, how ya doing buddy? I haven't called you yet. I'm so lazy! I just want to be able to actually TALK to you but with a 2 year old and a husband who was just laid off from McLeod...that's next to impossible!
You both take care and Leslie, I know you've probably heard this but this will go away. It just takes a little longer for people like us for some reason. I remember just sitting and crying on my 30th birthday because I just hurt so much and I didn't want to hurt anymore. I feel for you!!
Big hugs to both of you!!
Hi Jen, it's great to hear from you and good to hear that your weight loss has been wonderful. It sounds like you have lots of stuff going on in your life that is distracting but I know you will get organized soon and give your health first priority. I know how hard it is. I have no problem getting in my protein because basically I don't really feel like eating so when I do, I just eat high protein things. The water is another story... I really have to force myself to drink water. It just feels icky and gives me so much gas. I also have to force myself to eat all the icky Pepcid tablets every day. I am really lucky that I'm not working right now (and yea, it's a financial difficulty since I have all these medical bills to pay off) but I am going crazy sitting in this recliner every day. Some days I have less pain and can get up and move around more and then there are days when it hurts just to stand up. I think the fact that I can't sit straight up is the worse part because I can't ride in the car or go visit anyone. From reading other posts on the main message board, I'm starting to think this pain is caused from cut nerves more than tight stitches. I am almost a month out and I would think that the stitches would have dissolved by now. I'm really getting anxious to start living again. My weight loss has been stalled for over a week now but I'm just not worrying about it yet.
I'm so sorry to hear about your husband being laid off, I know that is the last thing your family needed. I'll be praying that he goes back to work soon or that he finds something else.
Ok woman, drink, eat that protein and I can't wait to see your new picture.