New here! Looking for support
Hello everybody,
My name is Becky. I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I have a beautiful yet whiney 18 month old son. I'm just in the beginning processes with my pcp. About a month into the diet. I've been overweight since I was a little girl. I could use any advice or support all you fine looking people have to offer. Hope to talk to all of you soon!
Hi Becky,
Nice to meet you. My advice to you is think positive no matter what, and especially be patient through this whole process. Don't ever forget we are all here for you, and if you need encouragement, this is the place to come. These people here have been such a support to me and have made a huge impact in my life. I don't know what I woud have done without them. Just remember, your time will come. Good luck!
Hey Becky and welcome!!! This board is great.....sometimes slow....but always great......stick around and you'll make some good friends with great advice
Do you already know you have to have a supervised diet with your insurance or something?? We have something in common....I too have beautiful but yet VERY WHINEY 6 year old twin daughters and a four year old daughter! My best advice to you would to be start reading profiles......check everyone out, read our stories......I learned tons about this surgery by just reading about everyone else journey. Where do you plan on going?? I too had been heavy my whole life......I remember my gramma saying it was just baby fat.....well the baby fat never went away
I had my surgery dec, 2003 I have lost 140lbs......still wanting to lose 13lbs more. I had my plastic surgery August 4th.....I am very happy with the can sometimes get rough and bumpy.....pre-op with doctors and insurance and post-op with hurdles with food and platueas.......but in the end it is ALL worth it, and you hardly remember the bad stuff.....being able to play with my kids and knowing I will be around for them is the best!!!! Take Care and feel free to ask any questions that pop to mind

Hi Becky,
I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Nancy Bernal, I live in East Dubuque Il. but originally from Dubuque. I had my surgery done March 29th 2005, at the University of Iowa Hosp. I have lost a total of 81 lbs and since surgery I have lost 51 lbs. I am a slow looser but I am happy with what I look like, compared to before of course!!