UGH!!! Paperwork Logjam
Sorry I have not been on the last week or so- I did read to catch up on everyone and hope all are doing well this week!
I had my consultation on 8/12. I had everything ready at that time and Dr. Coster and his nurse both complimented me on being so well prepared. So, at this point I had thought I might be hearing about insurance approval. Well, I called the ins co to check on status and they had not received ANYTHING from Dr. Coster's office. I left two messages for the lady that handles the ins and she did not call me back. I got a call from Dr. Coster's nurse about some test that came back inconclusive and will need to be repeated at my pre-op appt so while I had her on the phone I mentioned that I had been trying to get ahold of the other woman and had not had my calls returned. She got kinda snippy and said "well, were you missing information?" I said no, in fact reminded her that she had complimented me on being so prepared and said I had everything ready and they could send to insurance right away. So, she got the other lady on the phone- finally a person and she told me that she has been really busy and should have my info sent to insurance in the next week or so but said "no promises". Am I being too impatient? It seems to me that 17 days to send my preapproval info to the ins co is a LONG time. And no promises? So if it does get to ins this week- they have 15 days to review and make a decision. Now it is looking like mid to late Sept before I hear anything and Dr Coster said he is taking a month off in October. So now I could be looking at end of Nov?? I am just feeling frustrated that they have everything and took no action. I was very sold on Dr. Coster but I am now tempted to consider looking into another surgeon because this makes me wonder about whether they really know their stuff if they are this inefficient. I know Lavonda mentioned similar problems with Dr. Coster's office. JUST FRUSTRATED and being a big baby about waiting all this time when NOTHING has been happening. - Nan
Keep the faith Nan.. Dr. Coster knows his stuff!! Don't let the office help deter you from staying with Dr. C. I tried and tried to get Lavonda to say something but I don't believe she ever did, I'll have to scol her for that again tonight when I talk to her..
Just keep calling and calling and calling and calling etc. That's what I did. And if it's with the same person she'll eventually call you back especially if you bog up her voice mail!!
Hope everything goes well and fast for you, I do know how it is to wait!
Best wishes
Tracie S..

((((HUGS)))))) It is frustrating isn't it? It is often a LONG ride.....Two months tho, isn't that bad of a wait. I went thru U of I where it takes usually 6 months just to get in......then they make you do a wait/diet thing for three months before they even schedule your deal really doesn't sound that bad
And even tho it seems it should be moving a lot faster.......that gal in the insurance dept, is probably swimming in stuff to do......dealing with insurance is a pain!! Try to be'll all come around.....and when it is all over, you will barely remember the wait! Take Care

Hi Nan...
I had my consult yesteday. I asked them how long it would take before they sent it to insurance and they said about two weeks....first Dr kermode has to dictate it...then it has to be transcribed...then he has to ok it....then it has to be put in my file...etc etc etc....
I understand the frustrations......i know I will be there soon. ((((((Hugs))))))
I hope it gets better...
billie jo
I know that it seems things should move faster & this wait is endless but it really isn't. Expecting to get this all done in a couple months is a bit unrealistic. Dr Coster is an excellent surgeon & has lots of patients. They all have to wait their turn, as willl you. I know that dealing with waiting while insurnce people get their work done is also frustrating but again, if they're behind, your paperwork just gets put on the pile & it will get sent in when she gets to it.
You could change surgeons but I suspect that with most of them you'll have a long wait just until your initial consult. I know that with the one I went to you'd be lucky to get in by November just for the initial consult.
Don't feel like a baby & try not to be frustrated. You aren't alone. We all have gone through this and all felt the same way. It will happen. You just have to be patient.
By the way,I'm glad I don't live in Canada. I understand there is at least a 2 year wait to get in for a consult, or at least there was whan I was going through the approval process.
Ladies, thank you all so much for your input, I just feel so ready to start feeling better and I am so anxious to begin that journey.
When I left the consultation they said I had everything and they would get it off to insurance right away and then when approved I would get scheduled in a couple of weeks. So I put together this whole timeline of when I thought things would happen. BUT- reality check- the world does not revolve around me! :spin
Your thoughts helped me to level set my expectations. I need to remember that this will happen according to God's will and not mine. If it happens in Nov or Dec or a year from now then that is the plan for me. I just needed a reminder.
I will try to be more patient and will give it another week or so that would make it a month. If nothing by then I will write a letter to the office manager.
Until then I am going to focus on being positive and not letting this hiccup get me down.
Thank you so much for your responses.