Need help with some questions!!
I wondered if anyone had any information on exactly how much protein we are to get in as well as limit of fat and carb intake and calories.
Also does anyone know how many calories aerobics and walking and doing weights burn. I am keeping a food diary and need to know how many calories I burn when I workout and what should be the limit of calories taken in. Also what percentage do we actually absorb of calories, protein, fats, and carbs after RNY? THanks
I suck, when it comes to this kind of stuff......BUT if you have a few minutes.....there is a GREAT website, That has tons of great has one place where you enter you weight, height, activity level, and it computes what you need daily.....he is a very successful WLS patient, that created the site! Cruise around his site for a few, and I am sure you can find answers to most of your questions! Take Care and good luck