Looking for Dr
Dr. Christopherson in Davenport does the surgery lap. I had it with him when the center was new, and it was open surgery. Since then, he has had training and is doing the surgery laproscopically. He is at the Genesis Center for Bariatric Surgery - phone 563-421-8361. Terry Pool is the secretary there and Theresa Fraker is the nurse manager. They are all very caring and personable.
Good luck in your quest,
God bless,
Hello Barb! I am seeing Dr. Phelps in Davenport at the Center of Bariatric Surgery at Genesis Medical Center. He has been doing laparascopic RNY for almost a year. And GREAT NEWS!! They are in the network for Midland's Choice insurance (that was listed on your contact info??) The staff are great and take care of everything. Before seeing the nurse/dietician/ doctor you are required to attend an educational session. They are held on Monday nights from 5:00-7:00 in the Center for Bariatric Surgery. You can reserve a space by calling Genesis on-call at (800)383-2575 and you can look them up on the web at www.genesishealth.com/services
Best of Luck!! Nicole