Whats going on this week??
We are gonna be BUSY! School starts Monday morning for all of us
Not sure who is more nervous, actually I KNOW I am more nervous! I always find reasons to quit college, and they have always been valid.....but this time I have no reasons to quit......if I quit, it will be all my own doing......I have a habit
of starting things like college and quitting......I never have let myself succeed before. I am so scared of letting myself down again......not only do I let myself down, but my husband and parents......its just a lot of pressure for me! I have some anxiety issues....so I am not one whom likes pressure
I will be going fulltime......from 10am-2pm Mon-Thursday......Not only that.....I will still have my "MOM" job (everything else under the sun and this roof basically) I don't know what I have gotten myself into
My husband is starting night classes to get his MBA.....and I so didn't want him getting another degree before I got mine. He would be way happy if I was a stay at home mom forever, but I want to get into the work force and have a life outside of home. So we comprimised when finding out I was pregnant and that we had very different ideas on raising them....I agreed to stay home until they were in school fulltime, then do my thing. Well the twins are in first grade now.....and the baby is in her second year of preschool.....I am going to school around her preschool hours
So anyways......usually when school starts up so does dance and swimming lessons.....but I put a hold on them until we are well into our new schedules......there will be more classes starting up in 10 weeks....they can do dance then if we all do well with the new routine! So......sorry for the vent.....just a little anxious I guess!!!! I won't be on here in the mornings much.....gonna have to do more afternoon cruising
What does everyone elses week look like?? I hope you all have great ones......and if you have a spare minute *WISH ME LUCK* I think I am gonna need all the luck I can get
Take Care

Hi Jesi
Same here. College starts tomorrow, but I don't have classes until Tuesday, but going in to get some extra help. I have an Internet class, which I kind of have started tonight and I can see I will have problems with it. So I'm going in to talk with the teacher.
Not much else going on.
Have a great week!
My number 1 goal is to take another picture of me.
Take care
Lisa Young
Congratulations, Jesi. I am so proud of you. I always admire young mothers *****turn to school. I don't know how they do it with all that goes on but most seem to find the time to do it. Where are you going & what course of study?
I was a stay at home/farm mom until my youngest was about to start his senior yr in HS. Then a couple years later the factory closed & the state supplied grants for us to go back to school. I went to a business school & learned to repair computers, not something I enjoy doing now but it opened the door for a job that advanced to the one I have now, one that I never would have been considered for if not for my education. I was 48 when I graduated & had no children to care for. It was hard and something I will never regret but I sure admired the young mothers.
You'll do great. You are motivated & have your husband's support. I think that having accomplished what you have in the last 2 years proves you'll be successful.
Now, about what I have going on, not to be "Debbie Downer", I just want to survive. I am absolutely miserable today & have been since Friday. I know this swelling is just temporary but I had forgotten how miserable I felt last time. I finally removed my compression garment a few hours ago so am a bit more comfortable & no longer feel like vomiting. I plan to leave the garment off for the night & stay in bed. I see my surgeon tomorrow & hope he removes the drains or at least some of them. I think I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Sorry for being so negative. I know this is only temporary & will improve quickly. On the positive side, I lost 7 lbs since Friday.
Good luck Jesi. Have fun! Going back to school is so exciting.
I think you can be allowed to feel off for once. You have been through a lot and gosh I can imagine it hurts (or at the very least is uncomfortable). I wish you luck tomorrow with getting the drains out. Is Barb taking you to the doctor? We just had a picnic with them and the kids. We had a good time, I think my daughter found a great family to marry into!!!
Yea! Jesi
SCHOOL IS COOL! I am so glad that you are chasing your dreams. Go for it and you will have no regrets. Your education is something no one can ever take from you. They can take your job, they can take your home, they can take your _______ (fill in the blank), but they can Never take your education!!
I have been back to work (teacher) for a week now, but the kids come back tomorrow. I am sooooo excited, I have student withdrawal all summer. I am also a student (working on that Phd). My last class was full of really intelligent people with what seemed important jobs (classier than mine, anyway), I felt like a little fish in a very big pond.
I wish you luck and good study habits. Now, go be a good example for your children and show them how important education is too you. I am proud of you for that!!
Hey, Jes,
I'm so sorry that you are feeling so anxious! You have such drive and such life in you that you will do great. Since I've known you, you have always put your kids and hubby first. You have put your life on hold for your family and it's time for you to have some time for you! Your kids will be fine - your hubby will be fine. You will learn how to juggle life as a mom and student and yet live for each moment. You will enjoy the learning process.........and you will be AWESOME at it all!!!!!!
Remember that I'm here for ya!!
Big ole hugs and blessings for a wonderful day!!
P.S. Hope that you are comfortable and that surgery sight doesn't bother you during classes.
Jesi, you go girl!!
You'll work it all out and do great! I went to college 14 years after I graduated from high school just to prove that I could do it. It took me 7 years of night school to get that AA in Humanities but I don't regret doing it. At the time, I had a husband who hated me going to school, 3 school age children who were very involved in sports, dance, etc., a house, pets etc. Somehow I did the super-mom thing and still graduated with a 3.5 GPA. I didn't bother going to graduation because there wouldn't have been anyone there to watch but I cherish that diploma. Those 7 years were tough with my X-husband constantly accusing me of cheating on him while I was at school and he kept telling our children that I went to school to get away from them. Also, I've mentioned somewhere before that being overweight and having to try and fit into those little half desks and breathe at the same time was never easy. Ok, so that was my experience and I survived to talk about it all these years later..
You can do it Jesi!!

You should be so proud of yourself! I know I am proud of you. I am a single mom and have been to school a couple of times. Once i finished the other I didnt (we moved out of state).
School is hard--especially when you have little ones. I learned to set aside certain times during the eve to work on my studies. It was usually after the kids went to bed. (I had them on a tight schedule). Even now being out of school and having my own home based business I have to set aside time in the eve. My kids are older now so its easier (10 & 12). I tell them when I am going to shut myself in my room and work and not to bother me until I get out. (Easier said than done i know)
You have gone thru the WLS, thru the PS......if you can do that...you can do school!--its all in the scheduling
((((((((hugs to you)))))))))
Keep up the good work....you know...we heare at OH are your biggest cheerleaders! (no pun intended)
Billie Jo