This and that
You know, we all complain about our doctors' offices and how ineffecient they seem. You would think Mayo Clinic would have it's act together, wouldn't you? My hubby and I went yesterday for his heart check-up. Get there to get the list of appointments and tests and find out they have the stress test scheduled for today! No one bothered to tell us that little tid-bit. Saw the cardio and complained. He said he can't even get his own personal stuff scheduled right! He wonders why anyone would ever come to Mayo! So it just isn't the locals who are messed up. Short story - hubby will have stress test done here locally when he see his cardio here in Nov.
His cardio really got on him about his weight. He's gained 12 pounds this year and already needed to lose about 40. He wasn't happy with him. They are recommending the South Beach Diet. Anyone tried it? I bought the book. I'm going to try it to get these last stubborn pounds off once and for all. Roger decided he's just going to cut back. We'll see how that works.
As for the habit I'm am going to work on, reducing the bad carbs. I've been eating way too many of the nasty ones. You know, the evil crackers and pretzels. But they go down so easily!
Exercise is a continuing problem. I'm having problems with my left ankle again. Shooting pain in the joint. I have some arthritis and it's being nasty right now. So walking is pretty painful at times. Then there's the wrist, the one my dog broke when she dumped me in April. Increased pain. Had a bone scan and the fracture is healed but a lot of arthitis in the joint because the fracture was very close to the joint. Tried Aleve. May have well taken a sugar pill. Going to have a steroid injection next week. After that, the only thing is to have the bone replaced. Doesn't sound like fun. But neither is a painful wrist.
Okay, I've whined enough. On a brighter note, the scale is creeping slowly down. Only a half pound to go to no longer be overweight! 
I will be "normal", whatever that is!
You all have a great week!
262/150/142 (I'm getting there)

Morning Lyn
This happened when I went to Mayo with friend a few months ago. We were going to stay overnight as he had tests at 8:30 in the morning then come home. Thankfully I packed enough clothes as we had to stay an extra night. Seems like this happened to them the last time they went up EXCEPT it ended up to be 2 extra days they had to stay!!! Good luck to hubby on South Beach, know the docs recommend it but don't know anyone personally that has tried it. Bunch around here are on WW.
Trying to get those carbs under control seems to be a prob of mine also, especially since it's bacon/tomato time of year!!! Love my toast that's my downfall.
Take care

Mayo... it's too big for it's own good.
Glad to see it hasn't changed in the past 10 years! There's so much going on there, that no one knows what the other people are doing/scheduling. I still love Rochester though...
I have one friend who has lost around 60 lbs on South Beach. His wife was "on it" also (she's like 120 soaking wet), but she looks more healthy now that she's on it and working out. Anyway, he has his little menu that she makes out for him, stuck to the fridge and has kept it off for about a year now.
Good luck with it!

Lyn, I just noticed you spell Lyn the way we do with our daughter's middle name. Very unusual way to spell Lyn, but we like it.
On the South Beach husband needs to lose 50 lbs., and he's been looking into all kinds of diets. I picked up the book for him the other day. It is probably the ONLY diet I didn't try . But it lookes like a modified low-carb diet. Looked very healthy to me. In fact, it looks like the way WE are supposed to be eating the rest of our lives...low carb with plenty of healthy veggies and go sparingly on breads, but when you do, make sure they are good carb, whole grain. So, I told him when he is ready, he should try this diet and basically, I'd do it too, because in all honesty, this is how I am eating already.
So, yeah Lyn, it looks like a good and sensible diet to me. And I am the queen of dieting. .
The drive all the way there to be annoyed.....Did you at least get some shopping in
I am bummed that your still in pain......I know the feeling, and it is so easy to not exercise when there is an excuse, even a very valid one!!!! We again....are so much alike those nasty pretzels and crackers go down way to easy!!!! And then it seems to take days to get rid of the carb cravings.....I always call it my carb coma
On another hubby is the exact same way.....was already a little overweight.....but now he has gained so much, he is miserable.....but it is so hard trying to help someone that doesn't want to help himself.....I will cook south beach style........then he blows the whole week, every weekend.......or just has to have pizza or something....but been there, done that.....he couldn't have held me accountable either!!!! So, I worry about him a lot.....every male in his family has died of heart attacks at very young 55 and most of them were not heavy......Jason will be 30 and with the added weight........scares the crap out of me!
Congrats on the
NORMAL (well so close anyways) I will never have a normal BMI
But still happy! Congrats to you
talk to you soon ....Take Care