Vent Time
I am feeling a need to vent, so don't mind me!!
I had a total hysterectomy in 2001 with a right ovary and tube removed. I was 39 so the Dr left my left tube and ovary in, as it looked ok, and he said it would be to my benefit. Well almost a year to month, I ended up with an cyst on the left ovary. The same surgeon said it should come out. So I had surgery in 2002. End of story right?? WRONG !!! I am 14 months post op from my WLS I have been having cramping and pain towards my left side. My family Dr thought it could be a hernia, so he ordered a CT as he could not feel anything for all the extra skin on my tummy. They did not find a hernia ( I was almost hoping for one as I wanted a TT) but saw a left pelvic lesion. He sent me for a ultrasound. Well, I have an ovarian cyst, not only that, I have a left ovary!!!!! I called the tech who did the ultrasound, after I got the report, because my Dr called it residual ovarian tissue, but the measurements on the report sounded like a full ovary!! The tech said it was an ovary!! I was blown away, so I got copies of my surgery records, and supposedly I had both ovaries removed. I am scheduled to go see this same surgeon Aug 31 as my DSr thinks it will have to be removed. The only good thing from this is it will be done open and my Dr is going to resubmit for a TT at the same time. I'm not a sue happy person, but I can't help but feel like there's a little malpractice here! I should not be in this situation if I had both ovaries removed!! Thanks for letting me vent, DeeAnn R

Hi DeeAnn,
I know you just want to vent, and I SO understand that, but I just wanted to let you know that it is possible that they removed it and it grew back. Doesn't that just suck?! If any tissue is left behind, our bodies can do that with lots of things... I was very surprised to see that I had a tonsil one day.
I had them removed years before, but sure enough, I was sick and one was as swollen as could be.
Hang in there - I hope you get some good news.

That is too creepy.....I had a total hysterectomy in Oct 04 and was told they were able to save "ONE ovary" had problems again a little later and it was on the ovary that was "removed" Still to this day baffels the hell out of me.....but I had to switch Gynos becuase of insurance and the new one just doesn't seem to care much about anything.....he said I don't even need yearlys since I had the hysterectomy
if you ask me!!!! I am only 27......I am gonna go to someone who does yearlys no matter.....I have ovaries apparently.....I am still at risk for those problems! So I feel for ya......Good Luck to ya!!! I kinda put those problems on the backburner until I have another huge cyst that gives me problems!!!!!
Hopefully you will get approved....since they are already gonna be in there!'s why I am unhappy.....I heard the pain was horrid because the tight feeling was terrible.....felt like you were stretched so bad and gonna pop.....could bounce a quarter of the tummy etc..etc..etc.. I have never once felt anywhere near that tight. Most people were so sore and tight they had to walk hunched for weeks....Not me.....feel fine to stand completely straight.....they even commented on that at my appt the day after surgery.....MAN YOUR WALKING STRAIGHT.....didn't think nothing of it! And I know it can be swelling, I know that.....but I have NEVER been tight and I feel like I have two roll still very pronounced........just bums me out.....we payed over 2000k extra and it is depressing so far. Look at my pics.....One day post-op I already looked flabby and crooked up three weeks out....both rolls are worse.....panni and top.....just dissapointing......look for yourself to see what I am talking about.......the first three pics are just last night....the others are before and the day after.......Thanks for letting me vent too
Take Care

I looked at your pictures & see what you mean. Your tummy doesn't look like mine at that stage but I also didn't have the anchor cut. However the early ones look pretty tight. I suspect that it is just swollen but I'd talk with the PS & telling her how you feel. I was told it may take 6 months or more to look right. Even now, at times mine feels like it has a piece of fabric wrapped tightly around me.
And about not needing your yearly, well, you know I also had a complete hysterectomy (everything taken) but my gyn said I still need pap smears each year. I've got an appointment with my new Gyn next month. I imagine she says the same thing.
I think I'd find another new gynecologist.
Hi Jesi!
Wow! You have a lot going on...
When I say this, I want you to know that you are BEAUTIFUL!
I would march right back to the plastic surgeon and demand some explanations and let him/her know that YOU do not find his/her work up to your satisfaction. IF he/she is a reputable surgeon, he/she should offer to do a revision of the of charge.
If he/she doesn't, inform him/her that you will be filing a complaint with the plastic surgeon's board of accredidation (not really sure of the term...
) AND with your insurance company. IF he/she STILL does not offer to make it right...make sure that you follow through with the official complaints AND post on the Plastics Forum and the surgeon's web site comments section of your dissatisfaction. If he/she does offer to 'make it right', do not leave the office without a scheduled date for the revision and make sure that it is in writing that it is of NO cost to you.
As far as your GYN goes...what in the Hell has he been smoking/shooting?!?
If you still have ovaries, you ARE at you stated. Also, I'm not really well-informed on hysterectomies; but, don't you still have a cervix? If so, that needs to be checked regularly, too...cervical cancer is one of the most easily-detected and treatable forms of cancer there an annual PAP SMEAR. DUH! to him!
As I are not let anyone (including yourself!) tell you any differently...AND, you are most worthy of the best health care possible...sounds as if the ball's been dropped by both of them, to me.
(((Hugs))) & love,

I see why you're upset, the top of your abdomen doesn't look right. I agree with Sherry, I'd go back and tell him/her you want a revision!! I suppose you should give it a little time to heal, but I'd still go see your Dr!! You're right about pelvic exams, my Dr still does them each year, even though supposedly everything was gone!! He said I didn't need a pap, as I don't have a cervix, but I stil need a pelvic yearly!! You have a right to satisfaction on your plastics, especially after paying some out of pocket!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!! PS I have read other posts and it does seem most reputable PS Drs will do revisions free of charge, if warrented!! DeeAnn

DeeAnn, that is the strangest thing I have heard in a long time. I definately would be getting some answers from the surgeon and maybe see another one who would give his opinion. Much as I hate malpractice, I suspect that you'd have grounds. That just stinks! I know they try to not remove them both so that you don't go into menopause abruptly but it seems really weird that they would leave "residual tissue." I've never heard of an ovary growing back apparently they can.
I hope you get your answers & will be able to get this all fixed.
Morning DeeAnn
My total was also in 2001 complete hyster. Maybe we were room-mates?!
Not a laughing matter by any means. I've heard that ovaries can grow back but I'm with you about the suing part. I REALLY should have sued our local dr AFTER my hyster, the surgeon knicked my bowel which caused an infection. I was also diabetic at the time & this dr DIDN'T even check my blood or blood sugars. He told me I couldn't have an infection & prescribed an enema prescription for pain!!!! Told him where he could shove it as I wasn't going to fill the prescription!! I ended up in emergency surgery with a "hot" pocket of infection about to burst, size of softball. The new surgeon said had it burst I would have died. That dr no longer practices here & I've often wondered about statue of limitations for him. It's worth checking with your attorney & see what they say. Good luck, keep us posted.