How's Everyone Doing??
Hi to all the wonderful people that post here! There are wonderful new things happening in everyone's life! Congrats to Andrea! Here is my question...Would you get a tummy tuck with the possiblity of having another child down the road? What is the liklihood insurance would cover a tummy tuck..especially those who went through Grinnell. I was 365 and now I'm 175...major skin baby!!! I know that insurance companies are cracking down on what they will approve should I try ASAP in case there's a chance insurance could cover it? I may or may not have another child down the road...should I try now or wait? I would love your opinions
Love and prayers for all,
Deb Paul

Hi Deb~Nice to see you posting......I am sure Andrea will chime in....but her PS told her that if she did want to get preganant down the road that she could. I just had my plastics! You are right about insurances cracking down....they have major criteria now, can only imagine the hoops you might have to jump through down the road
It is just such a personal decision, I don't know what to tell ya!!! FOR ME personally (we have very similar baby making history
) I had the twins...then 2 years later had Madi and my hands full.....thought three was plenty.....was postivie three was enough......the minute I could no longer have them.......Now I would give anything to have another......Had to have a hysterectomy in Oct of last year. So it is a hard hard choice to make......I wish you the best with your decision.....Do you have rashes and skin problems?? Good luck and take care.....wish you were on here more

Hey, Deb! So nice to see you on here!!! Thanks for the congrats - I'm sure that Barb told you over the weekend, didn't she? She said that you were coming down. Did you have to head back Saturday night?
Let's see, about the ps - I did see a reputable ps in Illinois and he told me that I could have surgery before another baby. He does do muscle repair also. The way I understood it, he was saying that my belly is NEVER going to be like that of someone who was not over 300 pounds with no sign of ever having some weight issues or ever having babies. No teenage belly for me ever again. That said, he did say that there would be some stretching of the muscls, of course, but then you would just have a normally stretched mommy's tummy, right?
I would agree with Jes that it's a personal decision. I would also still be leary about insurance and how particular they are getting. I know you also think like me - I would throw it to the Maker's hands and see what kind of an answer you get. That's sort of what we did - I went to see ps in April and was denied early this summer because of lack of documentation. That opened the door for perfect timing for baby. Now, I'm taking pics, (or having hubby and Jesi take pics
) and having my pcp and ob/gyn document rashes. Figure that I will be well documented by the time baby is old enough for me to have surgery.
Good luck in your decision and thanks for the congrats!
God bless,