I need to vent!
Hi Everyone,
Before I start in, I wanna say Thank You to everyone! Iv been reading the message board and have gotten a lot of GOOD information. I feel like I know most everyone.
Well, here I go....... I have been having a very difficult time getting information from Dr G's office. Iv been trying to be patient but its getting very hard. I finally called yesterday and no one called me back. I called again this morning and was told that someone would call me back. Since Iv been dealing with the office, I have only called three times. I dont think Iv been a pest??????
I did the blood oxygen machine at home about 3 weeks ago and still havent heard anything.
I really need to proceed soon. I have a busy schedule and need to do some planning.
Any advice?????
Thanks for listening!!!!!!!!!!
Don't give up, be a pest with a capital P !!! You could call the office, and ask to speak to an office manager, if they him haw around tell them you're unhappy with the service you're getting and want some answers!! Unfortunately we have to be very persistant, the whole squeaky wheel thing!! Hang in there, and good luck!!! Keep us posted!!! DeeAnn R
Hi Kathy,
I feel your pain. I had tons of problems just getting my sleep study report to their office. At one point, I talked to Jenny 3-4 times in one day - and I was on vacation!
Leslie and I have this theory that they are testing to see how dedicated you are.
I'm sure it's really just because they are very busy. Are you just waiting for them to get a report? It's possible that they don't have it, can't get it yet, and will call when it comes in. It's frustrating, I know.
I had been told that I'd get a call right back to confirm my surgery date. It was only important for me to know, so that I could pass the info along to my mother, so that she could get the time off to take care of my kids. Anyway, I never did get that call, but a letter came about a week later. It can make ya

I am waiting for my pulse/oxyen test results. I did that about 3 weeks ago or so.
Im wondering what comes next. I dont want them to forget about me.
The very first time I called them, AFTER I got my approval letter from THEIR office as well as my insureance company, I was told that they couldnt do any more until they got an approval???????????? I told her that I had one, and that I had gotten a letter from her office. The person I talked to finally called me back a couple of hours later saying that all the paper work had been misplaced. Now Im afraid that if I dont keep on them, I will get lost in the shuffle.
Im sure things will work out, but Im getting anxious.
I had the same problems with all my stuff. I do not know what the deal is with them. The funny things is I work for my doctor and sent the stuff myself. So it was not on our end that the info was not getting sent to them. I had all my testing done locally and then sent it from our office and still had the same problems. I don't know what to tell you, but good luck. Don't get me wrong I am glad I went there, but if there had been another place that did it lap with just as good a rep as Dr. G I would of changed right in the middle.
Good luck!!!
OMG! Kathy! Kathy! My Best Friend from high school, you got my parents together, you dated my brother KATHY!!!! I didn't know you were getting this done. Hun, let me be a support! (You know you got me through some stuff back in the day!) Call me (if you don't have my number I know you have my mom's--she will give you mine) or email me private [email protected]
Girl, you don't have to take this ride alone and I can help advise you on what happens at Dr. G's office. By the way I had my surgery 6/02/04, and have lost 107#, most of which happened in the first 6 months.
We need to get together.
Love you
Thank you all for your support!!!!!!!!!!! I sure dont feel so alone in all this any more.
I know they are probably busy. I was thinking of dropping in the office one of these afternoons. Im going to try to call again today and see what happens.
Jackie! Hi, I had heard you had this done! I will be in touch!