Smoking ??? Test????
Welcome to a wonderful place and to what may be a wonderful journey for your friend and you. I was a smoker and had to quit at least 8 weeks before surgery. My surgeon was so adamant about this that he gave me a surgery date of December 8th instead of December1st like I wanted. At any rate, I did put on a few pounds because quitting, but took it off quickly and haven't had a cig since then. All in all, I have made huge changes in my life and quitting smoking was one of those.
Hang in there and God bless,
The test can only detect that you have been smoke free that day or the day before. If you take any kind of acid reducer (ie: Prilosec OTC, Zantac) it will give them a negative result, as in show that you do not smoke. Hope this helps! (BTW, I was only smoke free for 3 weeks before my surgery and did not have any complications, but my doc did not require testing to confirm that I had quit.)
Open duodenal switch 8/3/05
Dr. Gary Anthone of Omaha
SW / CW / GW / HT
359 331 175? 5'7"
28 pounds lost and gone forever!!!