Lets show some support
One of our best supporters on the Iowa board is having round #2 of plastics today. Lets send Dixie some well wishes and try to fill up her support page!!! I know she's been there for me!!!! Take Care and have a good day......
Thats the link to here support page

I might call her at home after a few days.....but I am sure she will prolly be pretty sore and not up too hanging on the phone....ya know! I have know idea what hospital she is at or anything. I did get to make it to the picnic, tho it was just me and didn't stay to eat.....just chat for a few with everyone......It was great.....we need a getogether...a biggy! Hey thanks for waking me this morning
I NEVER sleep that late....my coffee was cold and everything.....rofl! Talk to you soon

HI!!!! OMG it has been a long time....BUSY BUSY BUSY summer, and a broken computer have been the culprits!!! I was going to post to your PS post Jessi, and my computer just shut down on me...well, It's back from the shop and I am back on the boards!!!! Hope to be at the support meeting...I can't wait.
CONGRATULATIONS on your PS...hope you are feeling grand!!