New Roll Call What's your new habit?
Hi All!
Again I have been MIA. Been nursing my knee. Still doing pretty good as long as I remember not to turn it! LOL We (Jeff and I) went to the State Fair on Saturday. I was able to rent a scooter, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to go. Now, I look like a very well done lobster. I can't remember the last time I was this sunburned! You would think I was old enough to know better! I have really been forcing the water to make sure I don't get dehydrated as my skin continues to "cook". It is still pretty warm to the touch, but much better than yesterday (Sunday).
So, What is your new habit this week? Remember, it takes 21-28 days to form a new habit, or to make it automatic. Mine was water last time. I think I have that almost covered now. I think this time it will be phasing out thsoe nasty carbs. It might take me all 3 - 4 weeks to get there, but hopefully I will.
I won't be able to sit here to answer all the new posts that have been added since I was last on because of my knee brace. (can't bend my knee and hurts to prop it for too long) so I will try to cover them all here real quick. I am sorry if I miss anyone, my mind isn't what it used to be.
Andrea: CONGRATS!!! If I didnt already have the best Mom in the world, I can't think of anyone better I could pick than you! That baby will be very lucky!
Sherry W.: I saw a post from you....What are you doing out of bed??? Email me with an update when you get a chance.
Lisa Y: Prays to you and your family. It sounds like your Dad is a stubborn, old school type like my Mom and she made it through the trials of heart surgery. But I will keep him in my prayers anyway, can't hurt right?
TO everyone that has had surgery recently: welcome to the losing side! Don't hesitate to ask or come here for support. The ladies here are the best ever!!
TO Sue O. (Nut Picker): What would I do without you? It seems like emails from you always get put on the back burner. I guess because I know you have always been there for me and still will be when I am up to replying. Hope things are going ok for you (notice I didn't say good or great? I would love to see that, but even ok is better than they have been. Someday, they will get to good and then Great!)
To all the newbies: Welcome to one of the bestest places on the net!
Carbs.....thats a good one
They are my downfall/destruction whatever you want to call it! My new habit.....will be no snacking....I worked on it last week a little, did great and felt better.....then the weekend came and all heck broke loose
So...I will try and stick with that one and form the habit!!! I will wish you luck, if you do the same for me
How long before that leg starts to feel better?? Also, sorry to hear about the burn....I hate being sunburnt!! But, I hope you enjoyed the fair
Have a great one......Take Care

Hey Elizabeth! How are you? Hope that you get to the puter more now that you are recovering a bit. Thanks so much for the congrats and kind words. Wow - what a nice thing to say - and wonderful to hear on this georgeous Monday morning (back to work,
Goals - can I have 2 goals? Since I am pg, I really need to teach myself to grab a fruit or veggie, rather than the cheesesticks and pretzels, for a snack. As long as I am doing a protein drink or two a day, I should be okay protein-wise. Hubby really is keeping track of my eating with me - which should be great, I think! I will be calling my dietician today to get in to see her soon.
Goal 2 - cut the caffein in half. I drink about a half pot of coffee each morning - 3 large cups. Caffein is a no no for bambino, so I need to cut it drastically. Have also started to drink a cup in the afternoon or evening to help stay awake. I'm gonna for sure have a kid with ADHD if I keep this up!!
Thanks so much for doing this and I'm glad that you're back on the boards pretty regularly - we missed you!!!
Hope you have a great week,
God bless,
P.s. Sherry is on bedrest? What for? Someone fill me in, please.

GM, Elizabeth!
Boy, have I been out of the loop! I didn't know that you were even having surgery...
Hope you are MUCH better VERY soon!
Ummm...habits...I'll have to work on them.
I am still on bed's just SO hard to stay in bed all day/night long...I'm trying, though.
I have a probable, I'm going through the *fun* activities of trying to get an endoscopy scheduled. My PCP is the one that needs to refer me to a GI doctor and I need to have an OB/GYN there to monitor the baby before, during and after the procedure...I want to have my OB/GYN there; but, since my PCP and OB/GYN are affiliated with different health systems/hospitals, I'm probably going to have to go with a different OB/GYN.
The baby...Alexis doing great and is still on schedule for her due date of 11/11/05.
I'm THRILLED that I'm going to have my baby girl in less than 12 weeks; but, I can't say that I am enjoying the pregnancy very much...
Today was Joshua's first day of Kindergarten...he couldn't wait to go...Mommy was choking back the tears, though. He's growing up SO very fast!
My husband is scheduled for his bowel resection on 09/07/05...he can't wait for that...he's not looking forward to another surgery; but, he'll be glad to be rid of the colostomy.
My sister and MIL are throwing me a baby shower on 09/25/05...I wasn't really expecting it; but, it's sweet of them to do it.
With DH having had surgery in June, I missed out on most of the garage/yard, I'm on the prowl for baby girl clothes, a crib and mattress, changing table, bassinette, car seat, stroller, maternity name it, I need to buy it yet...I need a Money Tree.
Thank you for asking about me, Sweetheart...I really appreciate it AND you!
You have been deeply missed around here!
Love & (((Hugs)))

Andrea so thrilled to hear of your new blessing. I wish great health to you and your baby. I too have been out of the loop. Kids start back to school tomorrow, and it is time for me to kick myself into gear. I will begin a new workout routine walking 1/2 hr in morning with my younger one, (5th grade now), and then 1/2 after school with the older one (7th) and then we will do a family walk before dinner, plus throwing in some aerobics and start lifting weights again. My goal is to lose 65 lbs more by Jan 1 of 06. I have not lost an ounce in 9 months and it SUCKS bigtime. I am falling into my old habits of grabbing what ever is quick and easy. Need to push protein and water. Anyone with any ideas for me would be greatly appreciated. This summer spent most of the time at the pool, walking back and forth which kids hated but it was a nice little walk but still did not lose. My body must be in that holding onto every ounce of food or something.
To everyone else good luck with goals and wish all a great fall season!
Leslea, thanks for the congrats. It sounds like you have some good plans to begin a good exercise routine. I tell you, it is going to be hard to accept the fact that I need to put on some weight with baby - just am afraid of doing it. Don't worry, I'm still eating, though. Summer was hard on me, also. Being back to school forces me to have a routine and that is much better for my eating habits.
Thanks again and God bless,
Hi Elizabeth, glad to hear you've been able to get out a little! Hope the sunburn gets better quick. I appreciate you thinking about me. As long as I don't eat -- things are ok. Carbs are getting the better of me recently also. I've been eating boiled potatoes, they don't make me instantly sick, I've gained 6 # in 2 weeks all around my waist. One of these days I will figure this out.
Andrea, congratulations!!!!!! It has to be an exciting time for you.