Couple of questions
I burp all the time!!! We are not talking about little burps, they sound like those burps little kids try to do on purpose. Is this a permanent thing? I am not drinking any carbonation or using a straw.
Also the vitamins are constipating me. On my paper it says I can take a stool softner. Well colace is the only one I can find and it is a pretty big capsule and I do not think you are suppose to cut it up or cru**** Is it okay to take it whole?
The other thing is I have not lost a pound in 12 days!!!!!!!! I am down 37 pounds ( 12 of that before surg). I am about 5 weeks out. Why did I stop loosing. I am not over eating. What's up with that???
Oh, Shelli,
You've hit your first plateau & right on schedule. It is very common to stop losing for awhile. I know it's frustrating, especially since you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Don't cut back on your food. That will not help & may make it last even longer. Your body thinks you are starving it & is holding onto the pounds to try to save you. Pretty soon it will cooperate again & you'll probably drop a bunch in a short time or gradually lose over a period of time.
There are a couple things you can do to try to get it going again. First increase your protein, even above what you are required to have. And the dreaded, increase your fluids. It does help. You may just have to be patient & let it have it's own way. It will start again!
Now, about the burping, I didn't have that problem so can't say for sure. You might want to give Angie a call about that & also the stool softener. I did ask at the plastic surgeon's what I should take as the pain meds made me very uncomfortable last time & his nurse recommended mineral oil instead of stool softener as it's cheaper & works better. I don't know if it shoud be taken for an extended time though. Oh, most likely the culprit is the iron as it is constipating. I think there are different forms of iron that is not supposed to cause that problem. Again, Angie would know this.
By the way, 37 pounds is great!
Keep doing what you are doing. You'll be fine.

Thanks Dixie!! I did get on the scale this am and I had lost 4 #. So hopefully things will get going again.
Tell everyone Hi for me at the picnic!! I wish I could go.
I will call Angie tomorrow and ask about the stool softner and the burping.
Have a good time at the picnic and good luck on Monday with your
plastics, we will be thinking of you.
Bill and Brenna said to tell you hi!!
Brenna is scrapbooking everything in the house!! LOL!! She loves the scrap box, I think that is her favorite!! LOL!!
Hugs Shelli
Hi Shelli, I have the burping problem too at first I just thought it was all that gas yaknow!!!but it is embaressing every time i drink something it is like I got to burp for it to go down
well I will be curious to find out what it is too!! I go back to my Doc Wed. for my 1 week check sooo..will let you know if I find out anything!! Take Care Lori

Morning Shelli
I agree with Dixie about the plateau. How many "meals" are you eating per day? My dear friend Janet helped me thru the plateau's & told me I needed to eat 6 meals per day. Once I increased the eating, water & protein I broke the plateau. A meal can be cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. Easy to get discouraged though. Keep up the good work 37 lbs is awesome

Thanks Carolyn!! I have been eating 2 meals a day and having a protein shake at some point suring the day. I usally eat cottage cheese ( 1/4 cup) or a scrambled egg for breakfast and then the protein shake for lunch and for supper some Tuna salad or beef salad. I do not get to advance my diet until next week. I have had some apple sauce with the cottage cheese a couple of times.
I am 20some months out (too lazy to figure it out this am....not enough coffee yet
) and I still get burpy. If I eat something my tummy doesn't like, or too much......I will burp sometimes for an hour
Actually right now my coffee is making me burpy
Some of us get that way, some of us don't......It gets better, or at least the longer out you are you deal with it better...who knows ????? I agree with is the perfect time for your body to throw on the is recouping from major surgery....It'll stop the loosing and try to figure out whats going on every once in awhile!!!! Just know that if your doing what your supposed to that EVERYTHING will be fine! About the poopy problem....that sucks and you wanna get on top of it....sooner than later. At walmart.....right next to the colace, is walmart brand stoll softners (without laxatives) and they are only like $3 and are little softgels......try to find those ones....some people stay on softners forever or months at least. Softners are fine....just try and avoid the laxatives as your bowels will become dependent on them. But still every once in awhile I will have to use something like MOM but it is few and far months between. But you do wanna add the softner if your having problems...there is NOTHING worse than being constipated
I hate it!!!! Take Care and Congrats on the 37lbs

These ladies sure know it all!! The plateau is normal - and ohhhhhhhh so frustrating!! Keep doing what you are supposed to do and maybe toss in some exercise or more fluids to "jar" your body back into losing motion.
About the burping, yep - if I eat a little too fast or a little too much, I burp. For me, it's those little hiccup type burps that my kids mimic or make fun of
. I remember shortly after surgery, if I would drink too fast, it would kind of hurt until I burped - kind of like a bubble was stuck. See if that may be the prob - and by all means, talk to your surgeon's office (if you haven't already).
About the stool softner - when you are on a full diet, lettucs and other fruits and veggies may help matters. I also eat prunes every night. Could you maybe try some prune juice or baby food prunes? Just check to be sure there are no added sugars.
Good luck and God bless,