Blah blah blah
Morning all
Haven't been on the boards much lately, been busy but what else is new?! Have been moving my dad, he FINALLY gave up his camper & has moved into a nice duplex here in town. I think I have him moved now just some odds & ends he needs to go thru.
I admit I haven't been taking care of me have gained a few pounds just went off track & having a hard time getting back on the right one. School started here yesterday, takes a fortune just to get Katie in school can't imagine parents with more than one starting school.
Where is the picnic, the time etc? Just picked up on it so who knows maybe just maybe can take a mini vaca
That would be nice, need to run away for a day!
Sounds like we are going to get the rain that Jesi wants, talking storms later today.
Everyone have a great day.

I hope Dixie see's this and can give you better details....but it is Sunday @ 12:30 in CedarFalls. Are they talking thunderstorms today?? I just heard HOT HOT HOT.......I asked for rain without humidity...
Your dad is a lucky take good care of him! And yeah.....I hear ya about the price of school
I think even tho I have an extra one in school, you probably spend a bit more.......I am sure Katie has some sort of style she sticks with and I am sure she is a lot more expensive to buy for than my girls......I am lucky and can still get away getting whole outfits for like $9-10 at like Kmart and Walmart! Now that she's in school and your dad's you can start taking care of you again
there are a few of us dealing with re-gain....and it isn't fun!!!! I will be thinking of ya!!! Take Care and have a great day

Hi Carolyn,
We'd love to have you come to the picnic. Everyone is welcome. It started out as the 3rd annual picnic of the unofficial support group for Dr Glas****'s patients. We were trying to make it a reunion so more would come but we didn't want to limit it to just his patients so opened it up to whoever wants to come. Obviously, the majority of those that attend will be his patients but it's starting to sound as if we will have several others. Jesi, Andrea, Janet, have expressed an interest in coming, & maybe more. Janie & I are especially excited about this. We both want to get to know our IA AMOS friends more. So please, if you can make it, we'd love to have you come and anyone else who wants to also. We are anticipating a pretty big turnout. I am getting so excited. I will post separately the announcement so that it doesn't get buried in your post.
We had so much rain Wednesdany night, I thought we were going to float away. If we had still been in our old house, I would be drying out the basement and trying to salvage the food in the freezers. It's very foggy right now so I imagine it's going to be pretty muggy. The good news is it's supposed to be dry & cooler on Sunday just in time for the picnic.
About school costs, I am so glad I am not having to do that anymore. Way back when my kids were in school I thought it was bad but now, WOW!