Good morning everyone! I just had to post this morning. Sorry, first of all that I have not been on here as often as during last school year - things are hectic already. But, for the news ......................................
I have to go at lunch to my ob/gyn for the official test, but the store bought test was positive yesterday. I'm SO excited!!!!! This is truly a blessing that we have prayed about for a long time - just had to time it right.
I do have some concerns about gaining weight, but will work closely with my dietician and trainers at the gym to be sure that I am doing what's best for baby and me. Of course, I will also look forward to advice and support from you all and from some of you that have been in my boat.
Thanks for listening and celebrating with me!
(I'm going to have a baby, I'm gonna have a baby, I'm gonna have a baby!)
God bless,

Jesi - thanks for the congrats! Mark is so excited, too. I still can't believe it - we'll have at least 4 kids now - that is if my dream that I'm having twins doesn't come true - then it would be 5 kids! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No prob about last night. As soon as I ate supper, I was out like a light! 5:30 a.m. - I could certainly call you then, because I'm up, too. Just don't want to wake up the rest of the family.
Thanks again and talk soon,
Blessings and hugs,
P.S. How did the p.s. appointment go this morning? Are you feeling relieved with that fluid drained?
Congratulations, Andrea!
Let me know if I can help in ANY way.
Also, try visiting the Post-op Pregnancy Forum...there are a lot of women there that can help with questions:
E.D.D. of Alexis Leigh-Ann~~11/11/05

Wow - thanks for the congrats - I forgot that you were expecting. How is it going? Has it been easy for you? I am soooooooooooooo afraid of putting on weight because I have fought so hard to get it off. AHHHHHHHHHHHH By the way, my due date is May 1st, so you'll be well on your way to raising little Alexis by the time my little one is born.
Thanks for the link. I will certainly visit that board.
Thanks again,
God bless,
Ummm...easy? No. Worth it? Definitely!
I can SO understand the fear of gaining weight. I will be 28 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I have gained 21 pounds...a lot of it is fluid retention (can tell from my feet, ankles and calves);but, it still stings a bit.
Do not be surprised if you turn into an 'eating machine', especially around month 4 and/or 5...I can never seem to get full and the others on the Post-op Pregnancy Forum says that it is quite normal. Those that have delivered have told me that they went back to eating the normal (for them) amount of food almost immediately post-op. One girl is two weeks out from delivery and has lost all her pregnancy weight (30+ pounds) plus another 10-15.
Looking forward to reading all of your happy...we are ECSTATIC for you!

Thanks so much, Sherry. It is going to be so helpful to have you and Stephanie as support. I will also try to get on the other board. It's nice to hear of people who have had babies and then taken off the weight right away.
I've been kinda surprised about some people's subdued responses when I tell them the wonderful news. My roommate and my sister both had stifled responses because they were concerned for me putting on weight. I let them know that I am also have a fear of gaining weight since I've worked so hard to take it off. However, I also let them know that I had a support system in place before we made the decision to begin trying. I will be working closely with the dietician from our center and have been given the go ahead to continue working out and lifting weights as much as I am now. I also am going to contact a trainer at the gym that I attend and ask her if she will work with me to be sure that I am still challenging myself physically without causing harm to the baby. The way I look at it, with those supports in place as well as the support of you wonderful folks, we'll be fine!!
Thanks again and looking forward to your continued support!
God bless,