New Pic!!
On more note......Your profile is SSSSSOOOOOO pretty you do so wonderfully with it!!!! I love that song you dedicate to your husband....that is great.....I would love to have one of those at top of my profile with Phil Vassaars song "Just another day in Paradise" How do I go about that??? Your kids are dolls too!!! Have a great one

You can e-mail [email protected] and they will send you a general response asking you what all you want and you just list it and send it back. They will then send it to one of us as soon as you name comes up. I just started volunteering for html and it's so much fun! It's my stress reliever. If you want a specific person to do it you can request them.. granted they are on the html team..
Thanks for all the compliments..
Tracie S..
html volunteer..