Question on making a journel in my profile??
Hello again Angel!
You can get your profile started easy. At the top of the page you are reading this on there is a link that says "Your Profile". Click on that link--you may have to sign in again. When you get to the next page it will say Personal Account for ***. Under the scale there is a column. Click the link that says General Info (Update your profile here). Then fill in the blanks if you dont have them filled in already. Then as you go down the comments section is where you put in the journal. You can get ahold of OH people and they will do a cute background for ya. I havent done that yet...but plan to. I am sure someone out there will be able to tell you how to do that!
Billie Jo
To get the backgrounds you have to mail the HTML team here at OH.....they have their own email address but for the life of me I cannot remember it......go to the bottom of my profile click on that will say this paged was done by there.....You contact them, they send you a questionaire about what kinda stuff you like, colors, themes etc.......then in about 3-4 weeks you gotta a pretty profile! you don't have to have a website for your photos unless you want A LOT of have just before and after pics added you just have to email them to [email protected] and send them in jpeg form. Do you have any pics of yourself on your computer??? When you view the pic there will be a little codey thing in the address box....thats the info they need.......otherwise you can snail mail them pics too......but either way it takes a couple weeks for pics to show up too! Take Care