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Hi Angela. My name is Cindy. I'm also pre-op and planning to go with Dr. Smolick and Mercy Capitol. I've hit a roadblock in that my current inusrance plan totally excludes any and all weight loss services. So, I'm waiting until we have open enrollment in October so I can change to a new plan that will take affect in January. I talked to Melanie at MCWR (Mercy Center for Weight Reduction) and she advised that I use this time to do the physician supervised weight loss attempt that so many insurance companies want. I have my first appt for that on Thursday. As far as your fears about the surgery, I just finished a book, that I found really helpful. It's called Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies. I highly recommend this book for anyone. It has a ton of information in it for pre and post ops and also worried spouses. Best of luck to you!!
Hi Cindy,
I know Mercy Capital is really big into the doctor supervised visits. The thing is with my insurance they do not need them. I feel thier is some extra paperwork they want to do when it is not nesecary. This thur. I have my official phone interview with a nurse. I hope I don't have to have a sleep study. They seem really picky but that is GREAT it means they know what they are doing. That book sounds good I didn't know they had one like that. I read a few of those books (different subjects of course) I am excited to get appt.s scheduled and I want to have a doctor visit. I am pumped to learn everything I can.
Hope to chat with you more!! We should stay in touch maybe our dates will be close.
Welcome Angel! I am so glad you found this resource!
The people here are fantastic, I have learned so much and been comforted when things got frustrating by many different people on this site.
Good luck with making your decision. I totally know it is hard. I thought about the surgery off and on for nearly 3 years before finally making the decision. Complications and death were too scary for me as I have young children. I finally made the decision to pursue the surgery in order to give me more time with my kids. In fact, I have been overweight my whole life and it never really slowed me down but in the last two years, I really started feeling unhealthy. I know that this is a risk but the pay off of good health is just to good for me to pass up.
Take your time, read a ton and in the end do what feels right to you. And if you are so inclined, pray. This is a pretty big decision and the Big Guy can really help with the weight of the decision. (no pun intended!) Best of luck to you!

Hi Nan,
Your reasons are a lot like mine. I need to be here for my child. He needs me! I feel like I am trying to get as much info as I can. I feel the best info can be from someone who already had the surgery.
I pray every night asking what I should do and I have not had a yes yet. But in my head there is one. I will continue to do it till it happens one way or another. I feel that is the hardest to deal with not having the yes do it!
Thank you for replying and I look forward to chatting.