The pysch saga continues...
Well, Thursday i have my Psych evaluation. I'm really excited..However they want 450 dollars upfront for the evaluation. I spoke with my insurance and they stated that they will pay for the eval. I then called back to the Psychologist, and his secretary stated that they require upfront payment, then if insurance covers it then they will reimburse me. Can they do this? Just a bit confused...and now my hopes are a bit dashed as well.
Yeah know what......I can't be of much help because I didn't actually have to have one......BUT I hear that some places do demand the payment up front.......can you call around and find a different place that doesn't require up front payments?? Remember this journey can be long and drawn out and so damn frustrating.....but the end is so worth it!!!! keep your chin up....lets us know if we can help.....Take Care

Miranda- Wow- $450 seems like highway robbery to me!
In fact, I was complaining because my psych eval was $242! I told my husband I think I need to change careers!! It is unfortunate that they won't work with you on this! Good luck coming up with the money and best of luck to you in your journey. -Nan