Update.. Janelle White..
Janelle sounded SO MUCH better. I just got off the phone with her and could understand what she was saying this time!! I did talk to her hubby Friday but we were on our way to Indiana so I didn't have a chance to post anything. But yes she did have a hernia but the other part had to do with a hysterectomy that she had had years ago. Glad they've got that all taken care of! Thank you God!!
Today the Dr. came in and pushed on her incision a little bit and some pus came out so the Dr. took our her stitches and opened it up a little bit and drained that out. So she's just packed for now. Told her that we were all thinking about her and wisheing her only the best.
Thank you for the continuing thoughts and prayers for Janelle..
Tracie S..
Thanks for checking on her Tracie! I have been slacking on that over the weekend..too much going on..I did get a call from her last night, and I called her today. Last I was told yesterday by her hubby, she may be in for another week to two weeks. She is still in ICU. I think she would really enjoy receiving more cards. She just wants to get out of there! Do we blame her???? Thanks again for the continuing thoughts and prayers for her!