An update and a Thank you
I am doing pretty good.....the pain is lessened everyday and all of my incisions look great! My drain tube came out last Wednesday (I think) and I have had no leaking or anything. I really don't think I am that swollen but I obviously am......It is weird because when I look in the mirror, I see WOW I look so flat.....and I don't really see the swelling. Well I had a huge wake-up to tell was I was plenty swollen.....Saturday morning I decided to get out of the house for a little bit, nothing major. It was kinda chilly so I grabbed my size 10 (they are CJ Banks and usually kinda baggy) I couldn't get them over my hips
I was really I grab my 12's that I keep around that are way to big and I should get rid of them, but they are comfy and I could get them up no problem....but wouldn't dare try to zip them.....again
and about had a break down! I cannot believe they cut off so much skin and my clothes don't fit....I ended up having to resort back to my good ole stretchy pants
I just couldn't understand how I wasn't getting into clothes that fit me a week ago........So I freaked and had to get some answers.....I called dear sweet Dixie and she was able to talk some sense into me and calm me down......Thank You so much
it is so nice to have someone to call upon with questions or in my case almost break downs, that has been there done that!!!! She reminded me how truly swollen we are and that it is normal not to fit into clothes....and I really shouldn't even be trying at this point. She gave me hope
Also the scales on my batteries had been dead and I knew I would be up in weight due to the water retention, so I had not purposely replaced them......just not to dissapoint myself......well I went to walmart....bought the batteries and was actually kinda pleasantly surprised......I am only up 11 pounds...I know that might seem like alot to most folks.....but when my pants didn't fit I thought I was up like 1000 or something.....11 is nothing, especailly knowing that it truly is water weight. So again Thank you Dixie
....I hope I am not bugging you with my calls....your just such a great support and you have all the right answers, and truly are so knowledgable about this stuff!!! Take Care everyone and enjoy this beautiful weather.....we actually set a record two days ago for 1.99 inches of rain in a 24 hour on man did we need it! Again.....Take Care

You call anytime you want, Jesi. It's great to hear your voice & who knows, I may just have to call you in a panic in a few weeks & you can reassure me! Seriously, it is nice to be able to call on someone who has gone through the same experience.
After we hung up, I rememberd that your surgery was actually more agressive than mine. I don't have the vertical incision. Mine extends from behind one hip bone, down to just above the pubic area & back up behind the other hip bone. It's a great big "smile" while yours is an "anchor." I have an idea that I will be very jealous of the result of your surgery. It will make your waist so much nicer & probably will do a better job of addressing the extra skin above the belly button. I'm still kind of flabby in that area when I am sitting down but when I stand up I am nice & tight.
Eleven pounds of water is bound to take up a lot of room. Just wait, it will go down & you'll be back in your 10's & probably they will be way too loose. Wow... you'll be in single digits!
Anxious to see you & your family next Sunday. I definately want you to meet Denise. She had her surgery a few days before you & today was having a mini meltdown for exactly the same reason you did! I plan to bring my TT scrapbook so you can see what I looked like at the stage you are at right now & can see how nicely it all heals. My incision is still kind of pink but there are spots where it is almost white & it's just as smooth as the rest of my skin. I can't even feel a ridge where the two edges meet. I suspect that the scar will hardly be noticable in a few months. Course, only my husband & I will know that.

Oh I can't wait to see updated pictures!!!! I'm so glad you're doing well. I thought about you a lot last week. Was surgery expensive? I know I'm going to have to look into it next year and I just have a few questions. Will those scars be there forever like that? What type of procedure did you have done? You're done having kids right? Can you have kids after surgery? I just know I'll have excess skin and seeing yours truly made me believe that I'll need to have plastics next year. However, I really want my boobs more "up" too. I just have to figure out costs and possible payment plans that they might offer.
Give me the skinny (no pun intended) on your surgery specs lady! good to see you again!!