I'm home.....
Hello everyone
I just want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes during my surgery. (BTW Dixie, no one brought me any emails at Sartori). I have to say that all of the nurses at Sartori were wonderful and I plan to send them a thank you note.
My experience was painful! First off, I let the anesthesiologist talk me into the interfecal or epidural and that was a big mistake. He tried for 15 minutes trying to find a viable space between my vertebra and couldn't so he hit lots of bone and nerves etc. He finally had to give up. Then he gave me something to calm me down and I was out. I didn't see Dr. G before the surgery. Woke up in my room and there was that pain.. although it was good being able to hit that morphine button when I needed to but it just barely got rid of the pain. Again, now that I'm on Roxicet, same thing. I still can't sit for more than 5-10 minutes in one place and be comfortable. I did a lot of walking at the hospital and it felt good to be up but it was still painful. I knew I would be a big baby though, I've never like pain much. My hubby was the greatest. He went home the first night to feed the animals but after that he stayed with me every minute. It was also nice to have Lisa so close by although we only walked together once. Her hubby was with her every minute too.
We got home yesterday afternoon (yes, Dr. G finally stopped in my room). He said ..."Skidaddle, go home already" and he even asked how far it was. We told him an hour and a half and he said....go home already. Angie had come in the day before (she mentioned that they had been warned not to read this sight so they wouldn't read any bad reports about themselves ....
I told her most of them were good.
Anyway, I took more pain meds and since it's almost 5 am, I am going to try and get some more sleep. I swear I don't know how you guys could sleep on your sides so quickly. It just hurts too much at this point.
Again thanks...and I'll be back when I feel more human...

Welcome home, Leslie. Glad to see you here. Sorry you didn't get your e-mails. I wonder if that feature is down or if the volunteers were shorthanded. Normally they do get delivered. I put out the call both here & on our local Yahoo group so you should have gotten several.
I have heard wonderful things about the epidural anesthetic and bad. I believe that Shelli had the same trouble you did. Sounds like maybe the anesthesiologist needs a little practice or perhaps theres a reason they can't get it right with an obese person. I heard recently that my plastic surgeon is using something similar at times. I don't think he will with me this time as that is where he'll be working. After you & Shelli, maybe I'm happy about that.
I was hoping to find time to stop in & surprise you. Unfortunately, my work schedule was awful last week & yesterday I ended up freezing corn & canning beef and then a quick trip to Waterloo & Sam's Club to buy food that I could just pop into the oven next week when I am recovering.
I admire these husbands who are so attentive at the hospital. My hubbie is great & loving but doesn't do hospitals well at all. He also goes nutty just sitting around. He manages to sit there while I am in surgery and they have been long surgeries. I guess I spoiled him when the babies were born. My total labor time with the 3 boys combined was just over 5 1/2 hours and he thought that waiting was bad! I have been hospitalized 3 times in the last 2 years & each time he stayed until I was back in my room & lucid. Then it didn't take long to see the discomfort (his!) so I usually send him home to do chores and he calls a few times each day & comes when I say that I can leave. It works for us & usually I have so many visitors that there wouldn't be room for him in the room anyway. We'll see if he is any different next Monday. Oh well, I've had him around almost 35 years so we must be doing something right.
I also had a lot of pain. You just have to give it time & keep taking your Roxicet. Remember, even though you only have several tiny incisions, it was major surgery & he did as much cutting inside as if your surgery was open. There is a lot of bumping around & moving of organs. There is bound to be pain but in a few days, you'll be able to tell the difference. And as far as sleeping on your side already, it's not going to happen. Give it at least another week, maybe even two. Try sleeping in a recliner if it is hard to be on your back in bed. That helps. By the way, don't be surprised if one of the insisions hurts more than the others. One of them gets lots of pushing & prodding during the surgery & it can get really irritated & sore. It's the one in your upper right quadrant, right under the ribs.
Funny about Dr G, especially after our prior conversation. Maybe they are listening to complaints, hmmm?
Well, you get your rest. Don't do anything except resting & walking around the house. Give yourself a few days & you'll really see a difference. I'm still hoping you'll be up to joining us next Sunday but certainly we'll understand if you aren't up to it.
Great news
and welcome to the losing side!! I sent ya two emails through the patient email thing...bummer! The pain sucks....you are very right about that.....but the good news is everyday it gets a little better. And walking...scooting around (of course little by little) helps a lot. And also don't be afraid to keep up with those pain pills.....we all heal much faster when we are comfortable and able to get that moving done and sleep half way decent. And of course the most important thing is the water (or whatever you are chosing to drink) try your darndest to stay hydrated....sip sip sip!!!! Take Care of yourself

Ok, I'm getting better at getting in and out of bed. My hubby only has to help me about half of the time. I'm walking as much as possible and hubby made me a large glass of green tea that is going down well, although really slowly. Drinking gives me lots (more) gas so I am doing a lot of burping. Nothing from the other end yet. It seems that if I drink too much and we are only talking about 30 cc at a time, that my throat feels all bubbly like there is way too much air in there. I slept really well last night even though I had to get up in the middle of the night and stay up about an hour just to get rid of all the gas bubbles but then I took more Roxicet and slept until 9:30 am. Colleen, I am hoping to not need it soon because it tastes gross. I never could take Nyquil and this tastes about the same plus you have to sip it so it just extends that yucky taste all the longer. I am trusting all you guys when you say I will feel lots better in just a few days......
Leslie (who doesn't even care what she weighs just yet)
Well welcome back!!! I did send you an email...it's too bad that you didn't get yours. I only had 2 when I was in. Oh I remember the pain and hating it so much!! I didn't like the Roxicet so much. It made me break out into a sweat and it didn't take the pain away like I would have liked. The morphine didn't work so well for me either. They had to give me Adavant (sp) so I would relax that first night. My hubby was such a trooper...the first 3 days home, he wiped for me!!! Yes!!! That was tricky for me because I was so sore. He would help me in and out of bed too. I can't believe that 4 short months ago I was there.
I am wishing you a speedy recovery and please remember to walk. That was hard for me because all I wanted to do was sleep but walkling helped so much. Take care and post when you can with any questions or updates you have.