All Ready!!
Well I got all my pre stuff done and everything is faxed and i am registered to pack my suitcase tomorow and wait out the weekend!!! Day 7 of my liguid and doing good.I still think it feels like a dream..I guess Monday i will believe it is actual going to happen,lol type at ya later!! lori
3 and a wake up

Big hugs Lori. Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. Are you going down to Omaha on Sunday? Was planning on going down there on going to Omaha Sunday to see a cousin from TX but the kids decided to have grandson's b'day party that day. What time is surgery? Going to see if they are still going to be around on Monday if so may go down. Let me know.

Hi Carolyn,my surgery time is 12:30 I have to be there of course at I am going to save the motel expense and go down Monday morning I got plenty of time and I prolly wont sleep much anyway,lol !!!
I will be there till wed if I am lucky but prolly thur I was told ,lol!!!I would love to see ya my phone # is the same also!! Tell Katie hello from me!! and would she like a baby kitty in a few weeks lol my daughter has 4 new additions,lol!!Well I will talk to ya later(((BIG HUG))) Lori
2 days and a wake up

Awesome.......I remember all your grief everytime you got denied or where having problems......Now all we see from you is smiles
I wish you nothing but the best.....a smooth surgery with a super speedy recovery.....Just rememeber to sip tha****er all day long....staying hydrated is important......also as soon as your allowed, get up and first you'll only be able to walk a few feet.....but keep getting up and go farther each will make your recovery go a lot smoother to be up and moving and sipping as much fluids as possible. Also use that PCA pump, keep yourself comfortable, then your able to walk more and sleep better, it just makes for all around better recovery!!! Take Care and best wishes