Psych Eval
Hi everyone!!!
Well, I have made it through the sleep study, and I am on to have my Psych Evaluation over in Boone, Iowa. For BC/BS they require you to have the psych eval done prior to approval. Does anyone know how long this process is going to take? Am I on the right path? I'm still soooo confused!!! Thanks!

I didn't have to have one becasue they already knew I was
But some people have to take a 500 question test while others just have to talk to the psych doc for 10-15 minutes.....I guess it all depends on which doc you chose......I think you are on the right as you are it can be a long and sometimes bumpy road, but it is all worth it in the end! Take Care and Good Luck

It will be interesting to see what you think of Dr. Martin. Dr. Sundberg's eval is a two parter. The first time you will talk to Martin. He will tell you you will never be able to eat Thanksgiving dinner again. He's wrong. You will and you will enjoy it more because each bite will be enjoyed, not just gobbled down.
Then you will take 2 tests, one is about 500 questions like, would you like to be a race car driver? This test tells him if you are a risk taker, compliant, etc. The second one is smaller, but on the same line, but is with how you deal with medical issues. You will go back in a week for the results. He told me I answered defensively. I didn't. He also said I have an anxiety disorder. Duh! Ask anyone who knows me. No new revelation there. And that I was a borderline candidate. He did approve me. And I have done well. Just answer truthfully. Listen to what he says but don't freak out about it. Remember, Dr. Sundberg has the final say. It takes Martin about a week after the second visit to get his part back to Dr. Sundberg, who can then forward everything to BC for approval. It took less that a week after BC had it for approval.
This is just one more hoop you have to jump thru. And you will do whatever it takes to get this done! Good luck!