Curious about Angels
Hi all,
I just found out something from another member that really upsets me.
This person told me that her "Angel" volunteered to be it, so she accepted. My question is, why voluteer to be someone's Angel when the Angel never calls to check up on the angelette, or tries to find out what they can about their angelette?
That really made this member feel really down in the dumps. Sorry if I sound upset, but aren't we all here to support each other and keep everyone informed?
Thank goodness I have an angel that checks on me even if I haven't had my surgery yet. Thanks for letting me vent.

Hi Betty if your talking about Janelles angel which is mine also and has been a very helpful and caring angel to me. I just wanted you to know that she has called a few times and got no answer and she has been very concerned about her. She was telling me just a bit ago that she is going to call her tomorrow. She is hurt that this post was typed thats why she wont respond because she knows it will get out of hand. Well anyways I also have a great angel and I am also upset that she had to be bashed like this. Everyone has their own ways of being an angel were not all the same. Thanks for letting me vent also.
Hi Lavonda,
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But, I was not talking about Janelle's angel, so Tracie needs to know I wasn't bashing her. I am not trying to bash anyone. I don't know if Janelle's angel calls her or not, I am not there all of the time. Sorry if I hurt anyone, that was not my intentions. Sorry if you felt it was about you Tracie!
No hurt feelings from you. I just got really busy with my disabled mother whom I take care of and three children who thankfully will be in school soon. Maybe just a reality check. I tried to call her a couple of times monday and got no answer. Tuesday was when I had to deal with my mother. By the time I actually had time to sit down and grasp what things I hadn't done that day that needed to be done I realized I had forgotten to call Janelle, then when I read your post it made me feel even worse. I just talked to her and told her I didn't ever want her to think I didn't care or wasn't thinking about her. I care alot about Janelle and hope to God that they can fix whatever is wrong with her, she sounded so miserable I didn't keep her I told her to go rest. I felt horrible after I realized it was to late to call her then after your post... Guilty conscious? Yeah, but not because of your post, because I forgot.
Anyways.. Have a good day..
Tracie S..
Hi Tracie,
I don't ever want you to feel guilty. I think if we can all work together, why not? I've been going to the hospital and checking in because she is also my friend, and we live close by to each other. If I know something before you, I will post it so it will save time from having us both do it and vice versa. I think that all that matters is that if anyone has more info, post as soon as possible, don't you think? If you have other things you need to take care of first, they must be a priority especially if it is your mother! So no need to feel bad or guilty! I really am sorry for the confusion.