Hi everyone,
I just wanted to give you an update. I was with her in the hospital today, and she passed the swallow test! YAY!!
HOWEVER, her bowels are moving very, very slow. After I left, the doctor came in to talk to her. She called me after he left. She will be going in for surgery tomorrow so he can open her up and look at her bowels to see what is going on. She also has been having trouble sleeping, so they have been giving her anxiety medicine to relax her and help her sleep. She says it is working a little bit. When I was there, she slept about 20 minutes, then kept tossing and turning, moving from bed to recliner to chair to bathroom back to bed. Poor thing. Anyhow, I told her alot of you were praying for her and thinking of her and she said to say thanks. I will find out more tomorrow after the surgery. I am going to try and make it out there after I see the specialist for me so I can get my surgery back on the schedule! Thanks to everyone who has been replying and thinking of my friend!

A lot of folks have bowels troubles after surgery....they too go to sleep with the anesthesia.....hopefully hers is nothing more than that
Man two surgeries so close together......I will be praying for her.....and one of the most important thing for healing besides staying extra hydrated is resting and if she can't sleep she probably feels like dog poop!! That poor thing.......make sure to give her lots of kisses and hugs from us!!! Thanks for the update and I will keep those prayers going for her