OT Need Help Waterloo
My sister lives in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area. Cedar Falls is a nice town and minutes away from Waterloo if you don't want to live in Waterloo (it has kind of a bad rap, lots of "slummy" neighborhoods). But it also has a lot of nice neighborhoods too. I was going to go to college there, and I really liked the area. It is very pretty up there in the fall. Hope this helps!!

Depends on what you do, but it's good from what I hear. My younger sis works at Target as a department manager, and when my older sis used to live there she was a kitchen and bath designer at Menard's. I have thought about moving up there before, and there seems to be a lot of administrative work too. Good luck in making your decision!!

And the good thing abou****erloo is that there are a lot of nicer little towns minutes away.....I go to waterloo/cedarfalls a lot........kinda my stomping grounds......housing prices aren't that bad either, well compared to where I live. They have good shopping and a lot of stuff to do there also......and it is improving every single year I think. My hubby is an engineer at Deere and I always have wanted him to transfer to the waterloo works so we could live over there.....I wouldn't live right in waterloo......I would prolly pick cedarfalls or Jesup or even waverly or soemthing, or hudson......who knows......But there are tons of places to choose from. But my hubby likes where hes at and what hes doing so it looks like we are stuck here in Dubuque. Good luck with your decision

Since your husband is Army, does that mean he works full time Army reserve? If so my nephew, who is full time Army Reserve would probably work with him, well not right away because he is getting deployed next month.
I am originally from CF & love the city. The schools are great. Housing costs are better than DM, CR,. Lots of nice "bedroom' communities around with even cheaper housing. Don't know about jobs. Probably like everywhere else.
No hubby is Active Duty Army Recruiter. Sorry to hear he's getting deployed. We have a great number of friends currently deployed. I don't think this time around we'll be buying a house. Heck not even sure if we're gonna be able to sell ours now. Doesn't seem like there are a lot of jobs in that Area though.