Fair warning....Not pretty
That was hard to do wasn't it? It was difficult for me to share what I looked like. Hey, I don't even have my picture on here yet.
Jesi, yes, it looks kind of scary right now but the redness will fade to a thin white line. I loved the side views. What a difference! So flat and all that extra skin is gone for good.
Glad to see & hear that it's all going well.
Thank you Jesi, seeing what to expect helped me last spring. By posting these pictures you'll be helping others.
PS- I got snoopy & looked at the faily shots as well as your before & after pictures. Beautiful family. One of your twins looks like a mirror image of you. I bet you hear that all the time. And I marvel at the difference 9 months makes. You lost weight & 10 years!
Thanks for the compliments
Your to sweet.....yeah I had to post them.....because it was one of the things that made me really go thru with it......seeing your pics and some of the others that have there's posted......I am also gonna add a few shots in a few weeks when it looks a lit less swollen.....when were you able to quit wearing the bandages?? Those are old family pics.....we took them at a local park last fall with our own digital camera......I thought they turned out well.....but I have lost 10 or so more pounds since then......plus my mom said that sweater made me look fat
Moms are too honest!!! Kaitlyn is my spitting imagine....and in everyway imaginable.....she craves carbs just like me, it is terrible.....I am working really hard with her......the blonde/white haired one is her twin..........Kristyn is 6 and 38-39lbs....so she NEEDS EXTRA nourishment.....she isn't even on the growth charts anymore.....and then theres her twin also 6 (DUH) and pushing 70 pounds......it is so hard having to have one child diet and force feed the other......it just is so unfair to Kaitlyn......but I DO NOT want her to turn into me so I am nipping it in the bud now......she has lost 4lbs already. Kristyn is supposed to have extra snacks throghtout the day and kaitlyn isn't.....how do you tell one kid she can't have a bedtime snack when sister gets one every night......I offer her a glass of milk or some carrots....but she just cries cause she wants a peanut butter sandwich like kristyn.......I think I am going to start making her sugarfree fatfree pudding and give that to her as a bedtime snack......but really she doesn't need one at all......I just can't stand seeing her heart break. Sorry for the vent
All of the sudden I had to get that off of my chest. Thanks again for the compliments.....couldn't have done it without ya!!!

Dang - can't get on your site here at school - it's blocked as entertainment! I'll have to check online at home tonight.
Hey, about the girls, is there anyway that you could make the same snack for all girls, just doctor it up for them differently? For example, make chocolate pudding - regular with added peanut butter or full fat cream cheese for Kristyn and s/f for Kaitlyn. Then they feel equal, but one is getting more nutrition and calories and Kaitlyn is not feeling any different. Good job for you keeping an eye on her eating, but how hard of a task. For another idea, how about celery with peanut butter, but use fat free or that carb options stuff for Kaitlyn and the full fat for Kristyn. If I think of more ideas, I'll pass them on your way!
Can't wait to see the pics!
God bless and hugs your way,
Dear Jesi:
You are brave !!! 

Thanks for posting your photos, what a difference !!! I would love to get a TT but may end up being self pay, which means it won't happen for at least a year
I've lost 132 lbs and my stomach is bad. My pubic area really hangs too, NOT PRETTY !!! How did your plastics compare to your WLS ? Was it better or worse than you expected? Take care of your self, and don't rush your recovery !!! Looking forward to future photos and updates!! DeeAnn R

Jesi, looks ouchy!
What a big difference already! You are totally brave for posting these and for all those of us wondering but who would not dare ask- its totally helpful. I also echo the compliments on your family- they are gorgeous. I have two girls- 6 and 8 and can not imagine three at once! I think you might just be my hero!
Seriously, take care of yourself and best wishes for fast recovery.
I recall something about Big'n Rich coming up next week? Have a great time!! -Nan

Owwwwwwww! Thank you so much for sharing those pics...it gives all of us thinking about it some real images we can learn from. You are so courageous to post those pics....I admire that! Glad to hear you are doing well...very jealous of your flat tummy. Take care Jesi!
P.S. Your kids are dolls!