Has anyone tried the Croc shoes? I have really flat feet and bad knees...I wore these today for a while....and it was like walking on air. I would highly reccommend these for anyone with feet problems. I plan on getting a pair soon. they have a website too. www.crocs.com
there are several styles and colors. Although...I think they are as ugly as sin....but for something that comfy.....i dont care!
Billie Jo
Hi Jesi,
I have a pair of the Air Walk "Crocks" and I think they are very comfy. And I wear them working on my feet for 9 hours a day. I went by the mall yesterday and Payless has gotten a few more of the Fallish (if thats a word) colors in. I got a pair of navy blue ones. How's the healing process comming along?

They are awesome I have some(mock) crocs i found in a "dime" store or discount store for a lack of the proper word
for $7 I love them the only difference i seen in them and crocs...the price and they dont have a strap..I havent worn anything all summer but them and plan on taking mine to the hospital with me ,lol go get you some you will love them!!! Talk to ya lori