Going to be MIA for a little bit
Not that you would notice with as little as I post!
On Wednesday, I am having arthroscopic (not ortho) knee surgery. Right knee, huge bone spur, clean up snagged tissue, and a lateral release. (they are going to cut the tendons on the outside of my knee cap so it will go back to the middle where it belongs instead of on the side and rubbing bone to bone.) It is outpatient surgery so I will be home the same day, but I don't have any idea how long before I will be able to sit at the computer for very long. The worst part is with it being the right knee, I probably won't be able to drive for a while and I hate to be house bound. Not that I NEED to go anywhere, but I like being able to if I want. Jeff is working 12 + hour days right now so he won't be much help, and I value my life too much to ride with my 70 y/o mother! I do not have nerves of steel!
I am so looking forward to not having at least AS MUCH pain in that knee as I have for years and hopefully, I won't need the cortisone injections as often. What is that saying? "I'm much to young to feel this damn old"?? That's me!
If they just do the other knee, hands, elbows, shoulders and hips, I will be almost functional again.
I have spent the last week and a half trying to get caught up on all the things that require standing for a long time. Unfortunately, that leaves me with lots of time to do my filing.
I figure I will be bored enough that I will do about anything after a few days.
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know so that if anyone comes looking for me, you can tell them..... I didn't do it!!

Hi!! Your surgery certainly doesn't sound fun. Prayers going out your way that everything goes well and you recover fast. While you're at it, I have filing from the beginning of the year that you can always do - don't worry, I'll drive you here
I hope that you're back soon because I was reading some of the old posts and it looked like you were going to do the weekly roll call and goals. It's always fun to see who checks in.
Well, your in my thoughts and prayers. Recover quickly!
God bless,

Welcome back Andrea! We have missed you here.
Depending on how long I am laid up, I might be begging you to let me do your filing!
I was working on a "new" type of roll call about the 21 days to form a habit and make it automatic. Pick the one thing you have the most problem with and work on it for those 3 weeks to get a handle on it. I will start it again next week, but feel free to jump in again any time. I am really bad about replying to all the posts.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers,
Hey - I don't want roll call if you will do it. I'm sure that you will have time to reply when you are up and healing. That 21 days sounds awesome. How long has it been? I want to jump on the bandwagon! I have started some bad snacking habits this summer.
Good luck tomorrow.
God bless
Thanks Sue, I can always count on you to be here for me.
In my younger days....I used to say, if I was dancing, it was WAY past time to take me home from the bar!
I have 2 left feet and they tend to trip over each other!
I will try to post a quick update Wed. night for everyone, or at least see if I can talk Jeff thru doing it.